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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Oxford, Mississippi » Natural Products Utilization Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #241551

Title: Flavonol Glycosides from Gaura Biennis

item XU, WEN-HUI - University Of Mississippi
item JACOB, MELISSA - University Of Mississippi
item AGARWAL, AMEETA - University Of Mississippi
item CLARK, ALICE - University Of Mississippi
item LIANG, ZONG-SUO - Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University
item LI, XING-CONG - University Of Mississippi

Submitted to: Heterocycles
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/18/2009
Publication Date: 6/19/2009
Citation: Xu, W., Jacob, M.R., Agarwal, A.K., Clark, A.M., Liang, Z., Li, X. 2009. Flavonol Glycosides from Gaura Biennis. Heterocycles. 78:2541-2548.

Interpretive Summary: The attched manuscript describes the isolation and structure elucidation of three new and eight known flavonol glycoside from a native American plant, Gaura biennis. It will be submitted for publication in Heterocycles.

Technical Abstract: Phytochemical investigation of the native American plant Gaura biennis led to the isolation of three new flavonol glycosides (1-3), along with eight known ones. Their structures were established primarily by spectroscopic data as quercetin 3-O-(2"-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-6"-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-ß-D- glucopyranoside (1), kaempferol 3-O-(2"-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-6"-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-ß-D-gluco- pyranoside (2) and quercetin 3-O-(2"-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-6"-O-Z-p-coumaroyl)-ß-D-glucopyrano- side (3). It is noted that SciFinder® has incorrectly assigned the structure of 2 to a compound (CA registry #78510-18-6) whose correct structure is kaempferol 3-O-(2"-O-E-p-coumaroyl-6"-O-a-L-rhamno- pyranosyl-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-ß-D-glucopyranoside.