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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Madison, Wisconsin » Vegetable Crops Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #252096

Title: Microsatellite (SSR) Marker Analysis to Examine the Effects of Pesticide Contamination on the Genetic Diversity of Potato Species

item DEL RIO, A - University Of Wisconsin
item Bamberg, John
item CENTENO-DIAZ, RUTH - International Potato Center
item SOTO, JULIAN - International Potato Center
item SALAS, ALBERTO - International Potato Center
item ROCA, WILLIAM - International Potato Center
item TAY, DAVID - International Potato Center

Submitted to: American Journal of Potato Research
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2010
Publication Date: 2/1/2011
Citation: Del Rio, A., Bamberg, J.B., Centeno-Diaz, R., Soto, J., Salas, A., Roca, W., Tay, D. 2011. Microsatellite (SSR) Marker Analysis to Examine the Effects of Pesticide Contamination on the Genetic Diversity of Potato Species [abstract]. American Journal of Potato Research. 88:35.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Many natural habitats concur in close proximity to cultivated fields and thus native plant species have an increased risk of indirect pesticide contamination. In recent years the USPG initiated an investigation to test the effects of agrichemicals on reproductive traits of diverse potato species. We found that the pesticide carbofuran is capable of reducing duration of flowering and pollen viability. These results suggested the possibility that negative changes in these traits could limit reproductive ability non-randomly and cause genetic drift. SSR markers were used to evaluate that possibility by assessing the genetic structure of progenies originated from potato populations exposed to two levels of carbofuran. Eight populations of 5 species (acl, buk, hcr, med and rap) were used in this study. An untreated, uncontaminated population was also included as control. The results revealed that most of the SSR frequencies assessed did not differ significantly between control and pesticide-contaminated progenies. However, a few SSRs showed significant frequency shift and it impacted genetic diversity levels in some species; specifically buk and med. Pesticides near wild species populations not only reduce reproduction in general, but also may specifically change population genetics in a way that reduces diversity.