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Title: Perspectives on the formation of an interdisciplinary research team

item DODSON, M - Washington State University
item GUAN, L - University Of Alberta
item FERNYHOUGH, MELINDA - Washington State University
item MIR, P - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada
item BUCCI, L - Agri Food - Canada
item MCFARLAND, D - South Dakota State University
item NOVAKOFSKI, J - Illinois State University
item REECY, J - Iowa State University
item AJUWON, K - Purdue University
item THOMPSON, D - Pfizer Global Research & Development
item Hausman, Gary
item BENSON, M - Washington State University
item BERGEN, W - Auburn University
item JIANG, Z - Washington State University

Submitted to: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/5/2009
Publication Date: 1/8/2010
Citation: Dodson, M.V., Guan, L.L., Fernyhough, M.E., Mir, P.S., Bucci, L., Mcfarland, D.C., Novakofski, J., Reecy, J.M., Ajuwon, K.M., Thompson, D.P., Hausman, G.J., Benson, M., Bergen, W.G., Jiang, Z. 2010. Perspectives on the formation of an interdisciplinary research team. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 391(2):1155-1157.

Interpretive Summary: Research funding has become less available so researchers must develop interdisciplinary research teams aimed at addressing current problems. Members of these teams may be at the same or different institutions and may come from national or international locations. All members must share the same passion for a topic that is more global as opposed to an individual's research interest. Research progress that can be achieved through interdisciplinary research teams given a short supply of grant dollars, is noteworthy.

Technical Abstract: As research funding becomes more competitive, it will be imperative for researchers to break the mentality of a single laboratory/single research focus and develop an interdisciplinary research team aimed at addressing real world challenges. Members of this team may be at the same institution, may be found regionally, or may be international. However, all must share the same passion for a topic that is bigger than any individual's research focus. Moreover, special consideration should be given to the professional development issues of junior faculty participating in interdisciplinary research teams. While participation may be "humbling" at times, the sheer volume of research progress that may be achieved through interdisciplinary collaboration, even in light of a short supply of grant dollars, is remarkable.