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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Maricopa, Arizona » Research » Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Edible tree nuts, general/other
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Long fiber cotton
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Parks and urban green space
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Research equipment and methods, general/other
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Upland cotton
Water resources