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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Kearneysville, West Virginia » Appalachian Fruit Research Laboratory » Innovative Fruit Production, Improvement, and Protection » People & Locations » Amy Tabb

Amy Tabb
Agricultural Engineer

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Experimental evidence supports the ability of spotted lanternfly to hitchhike on vehicle exteriors as a mechanism for anthropogenic dispersal - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsensohn, J., Wolford, S.D., Tabb, A., Leskey, T.C. 2024. Experimental evidence supports the ability of spotted lanternfly to hitchhike on vehicle exteriors as a mechanism for anthropogenic dispersal. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B. Biological Sciences.
Genetic mapping and selection of table grape fruit quality characteristics in a segregating population and evaluation of marker transferability - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Self-supervised learning for panoptic segmentation of multiple fruit flower species - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Siddique, A., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2022. Self-supervised learning for panoptic segmentation of multiple fruit flower species. International of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Robotics and Automation Letters. 7(4):12387-12394.
Automated size measurements of Halyomorpha halys (Stal) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with simple image-based methodology - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Elsensohn, J.E., Leskey, T.C. 2022. Automated size measurements of Halyomorpha halys (Stal) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with simple image-based methodology. Florida Entomologist. 105(3):262-264.
Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS - ()
Tabb, A., Holguin Londono, G., Naegele, R.P. 2022. Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features: CASS. In: Lorence, A., Medina Jimenez, K. (eds) High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2539. Humana, New York, NY.
Cost-effective, high-throughput phenotyping system for 3D reconstruction of fruit form - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2022. Cost-effective, high-throughput phenotyping system for 3D reconstruction of fruit form. The Plant Phenome Journal.
Data and results for: cost-effective, high-throughput fruit phenotyping system for three-dimensional reconstruction of fruit form - ()
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2021. Data and results for: cost-effective, high-throughput fruit phenotyping system for three-dimensional reconstruction of fruit form (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Ground truth 3D sphere dice models - ()
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2021. Ground truth 3D sphere dice models (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Ground truth 3D F-object - ()
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2021. Ground truth 3D F-object (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Ground truth 3D sphere models - ()
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2021. Ground truth 3D sphere models (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Ground truth 3D tetrahedra models - ()
Feldmann, M.J., Tabb, A. 2021. Ground truth 3D tetrahedra models (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
The influence of marking methods on mobility, survivorship and field recovery of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirkpatrick, D.M., Rice, K.B., Ibrahim, A., Fleischer, S.J., Tooker, J.F., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H., Gish, M., Morrison III, W.R., Leskey, T.C. 2020. The influence of marking methods on mobility, survivorship and field recovery of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs. Environmental Entomology. 49(5):1026-1031.
The influence of marking methods on mobility, survivorship and field recovery of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirkpatrick, D.M., Rice, K.B., Ibrahim, A., Fleischer, S.J., Tooker, J.F., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H., Morrison III, W.R., Leskey, T.C. 2020. The influence of marking methods on mobility, survivorship and field recovery of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) adults and nymphs. Environmental Entomology. 49(5):1026-1031.
Tracking the adaptation and compensation processes of patients' brain arterial network to an evolving glioblastoma - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhu, J., Teolis, S., Biassou, N., Tabb, A., Jabin, P., Lavi, O. 2020. Tracking the adaptation and compensation processes of patients' brain arterial network to an evolving glioblastoma. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Data and code from: calibration of asynchronous camera networks: CALICO - ()
Tabb, A., Feldmann, M.J. 2019. Data and code from: calibration of asynchronous camera networks: CALICO (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Code and data from: segmenting root systems in x-ray computed tomography images using level sets - ()
Tabb, A., Duncan, K., Topp, C. 2019. Code and data from: segmenting root systems in x-ray computed tomography images using level sets. Zenodo.
Cost-effective, high-throughput 3D reconstruction method for fruit phenotyping - (Abstract Only)
Feldmann, M., Tabb, A., Knapp, S.J. 2019. Cost-effective, high-throughput 3D reconstruction method for fruit phenotyping. Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP). p. 1.
Code from: Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features - ()
Tabb, A. 2019. Code from: Using cameras for precise measurement of two-dimensional plant features. Ag Data Commons.
Detecting invasive insects with unmanned aerial vehicles - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Virto, M.H., Medeiros, H., Tabb, A., Rice, K.B., Leskey, T.C. 2019. Detecting invasive insects with unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Volatile release, mobility, and mortality of diapausing Halyomorpha halys during simulated shipping movements and temperature changes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nixon, L.J., Tabb, A., Morrison III, W.R., Rice, K.B., Brockerhoff, E.G., Leskey, T.C., van Koten, C., Goldson, S., Rostas, M. 2019. Volatile release, mobility, and mortality of diapausing Halyomorpha halys during simulated shipping movements and temperature changes. Journal of Pest Science. Available:
FreeLabel: A publicly available annotation tool based on freehand traces - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dias, P.A., Shen, Z., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2019. FreeLabel: A publicly available annotation tool based on freehand traces. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.
The use of agricultural robots in orchard management - ()
Zhang, Q., Karkee, M., Tabb, A. 2019. The use of agricultural robots in orchard management. In: Billingsley, J., editor. Robotics and Automation for Improving Agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
Evaluation of five methods to measure Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in apple and citrus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Glenn, D.M., Tabb, A. 2018. Evaluation of five methods to measure Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in apple and citrus. International Journal of Fruit Science.
Multispecies fruit flower detection using a refined semantic segmentation network - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dias, P., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2018. Multispecies fruit flower detection using a refined semantic segmentation network. International of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Robotics and Automation Letters. 3(4):3003-3010.
Apple flower detection using deep convolutional networks - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dias, P., Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2018. Apple flower detection using deep convolutional networks. Computers in Industry. 99:17-28.
Alteration of TAC1 expression in Prunus species leads to pleiotropic shoot phenotypes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hollender, C., Guseman, J.M., Tabb, A., Raines, C.D., Srinivasan, C., Dardick, C.D. 2018. Alteration of TAC1 expression in Prunus species leads to pleiotropic shoot phenotypes. Horticulture Research.
Automatic segmentation of trees in dynamic outdoor environments - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2018. Automatic segmentation of trees in dynamic outdoor environments. Computers in Industry. 98:90-99.
Fast and robust curve skeletonization for real-world elongated objects - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2018. Fast and robust curve skeletonization for real-world elongated objects. IEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.
Segmenting root systems in xray computed tomography images using level sets - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Duncan, K.E., Topp, C.N. 2018. Segmenting root systems in xray computed tomography images using level sets. IEEE WINTER CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTER VISION.
Video data of flowers, fruitlets, and fruit in apple trees during the 2017 growing season at USDA-ARS-AFRS - ()
Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2018. Video data of flowers, fruitlets, and fruit in apple trees during the 2017 growing season at USDA-ARS-AFRS. Ag Data Commons. doi:10.15482/USDA.ADC/1416008.
Fast and robust curve skeletonization for real-world elongated objects - ()
Tabb, A. 2017. Fast and robust curve skeletonization for real-world elongated objects. Ag Data Commons. doi:10.15482/USDA.ADC/1399689.
A robotic vision system to measure tree traits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Medeiros, H. 2017. A robotic vision system to measure tree traits. IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Solving the robot-world, hand-eye(s) calibration problem with iterative methods - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Ahmad Yousef, K.M. 2017. Solving the robot-world, hand-eye(s) calibration problem with iterative methods. Machine Vision and Applications. DOI: 10.1007/s00138-017-0841-7.
Parameterizations for reducing camera reprojection error for robot-world hand-eye calibration - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Ahmad Yousef, K.M. 2015. Parameterizations for reducing camera reprojection error for robot-world hand-eye calibration. IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. p. 3030-3037.
Camera calibration correction in shape from inconsistent silhouette - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A., Park, J. 2015. Camera calibration correction in shape from inconsistent silhouette. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139870.
Shape from silhouette probability maps: reconstruction of thin objects in the presence of silhouette extraction and calibration error - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tabb, A. 2013. Shape from silhouette probability maps: reconstruction of thin objects in the presence of silhouette extraction and calibration error. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. p. 161-168.
Dry bin filler for apples - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peterson, D.L., Tabb, A., Baugher, T., Lewis, K.M., Glenn, D.M. 2010. Dry bin filler for apples. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(4):541-549.
Three-dimensional reconstruction of fruit trees by a shape from silhouette method - (Proceedings)
Tabb, A. 2009. Three-dimensional reconstruction of fruit trees by a shape from silhouette method. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE). Paper #096138, Reno, Nevada, 21-24 June 2009.
Identifying apple surface defects using principal components analysis and artifical neural networks - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bennedsen, B.S., Peterson, D.L., Tabb, A. 2007. Identifying apple surface defects using principal components analysis and artifical neural networks. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 50(6):2257-2265.
Bennedsen, B.S., Peterson, D.L., Tabb, A. 2007. Identifying apple surface defects using principal components analysis and artificial neural networks. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 50(6), 2007 (ASABE) American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 001-2351.