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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Corvallis, Oregon » Horticultural Crops Research Unit » Research » Food Chemistry » Current Projects

Current Projects
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Polyphenolics evolution in model wine systems and commercial wine.



Improvement, modification, and development of analytical methods for quality-indicating compounds, mainly phenolics



Vine nutrients (N, P, K) and irrigation, Pinot noir grape quality indicators with Paul Schreiner, USDA-ARS-HCRU

pot study


Grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV) and Pinot noir grape quality components

with Bob Martin, USDA-ARS-HCRU

Grapevine leafroll associated virus study


Cover crop, tillage, and rootstock

Cabernet Sauvignon grape quality with Kerri Steenwerth, USDA-ARS-CRGRU

Cabernet Sauvignon study


Berry skin temperature on Merlot grape anthocyanin development

with Julie Tarara and Carolyn Scagel, USDA-ARS-HCRU


Phytochemical composition of Pacific Northwest huckleberries, elderberries, and black raspberries with Chad Finn, USDA-ARS-HCRU


Food Chemistry Program


AOAC Official Method


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Scientist: Jungmin Lee