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Food and Feed Safety Research
Rajasekaran, Kanniah - Rajah
Supervisory Research Biologist
(504) 286-4531
New Orleans, LA 70124-4305

The mission of the Food and Feed Safety Research Unit addresses priority areas of food safety, health and nutrition, and is directed towards (1) using a genomics approach to gain understanding of the genetic regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis; (2) characterization of compounds and genes governing production of the antifungal compounds for use in applications to control toxin-producing fungi or other fungi that reduce the quality and safety of food and feed; (3) elucidation, using genomic and proteomic tools, of the complex mechanisms governing expression of genes/enzymes which regulate aflatoxin synthesis during the plant-fungus interaction; and using this knowledge to enhance host-resistance against fungal invasion; (4) manipulation of agroecosystems involving complex interactions between the toxin-producing fungus, other endemic microflora and the crop plant (particularly as affected by climate change) to reduce levels of fungus and/or toxin in field environments; and (5) integration of research information into practical procedures for assuring a safe, domestic supply of food and feed; and enhancing global food security through sustainable agriculture.

  Southeast Area
    New Orleans, Louisiana
      Southern Regional Research Center
      Food and Feed Safety Research
Carter-Wientjes, Carol
(504) 286-4322

Castano-Duque, Lina
(504) 286-4556

Research Plant Pathologist
Chang, Perng Kuang
(504) 286-4208

Molecular Biologist
Downey, Darlene
(504) 286-4283

Biological Science Technician
Ford, Gregory
(504) 286-4301

Biological Science Technician
Gilbert, Matthew
(504) 286-4405

Research Molecular Biologist
Gross, Stephanie
(504) 286-4260

Biological Science Technician
Guo, Yingqing
(504) 286-4462

Biological Laboratory Technical
Hruska, Zuzana
(504) 286-4430

Lamb, Alencia
(504) 286-4388

Biological Science Technician
Lebar, Matthew
(504) 286-4321

Lohmar, Jessica
(504) 286-4259

Research Associate
Mack, Brian
(504) 286-4378

Computational Biologist
Moore, Geromy
(504) 286-4361

Research Microbiologist
Rajasekaran, Kanniah Rajah
(504) 286-4482

Supervisory Research Biologist
Sickler, Christine
(504) 286-4480

Sweany, Rebecca
(504) 286-4345

Geneticist Plants
Wei, Qijian Mei Mei
(504) 286-4394

Molecular Biologist
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)