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Travel Branch
ROOM 1-WS-1002
Beltsville, MD 20705

The Travel Policy and Systems Branch (TPSB) provides interpretation of Federal, Department of Agriculture, and Department of State travel regulations and initiates Agency policy to support travel functions. TPSB provides domestic and foreign travel support to travelers, clerical, and upper management as well as training on automated travel systems. The Branch supports the Conference Planning, Management, and Reporting Requirements and also provides Relocation Services for REE Employees.

  Administrative and Financial Management
    Financial Management and Agreements Division
      Travel Branch
Gamy, Pascal
(301) 504-1279

Financial Analyst
Harrell, Melissa
(706) 546-3078

Management Analyst
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)