Research Entomologist
Sandra Woolfolk
Research Entomologist and insectary lab manager for the USDA ARS Crop Science Research Laboratory at Mississippi State.
- Ph.D., Life Sciences (emphasis in entomology and plant pathology), Mississippi State University, 2010
- M.S., Entomology (Insect Microbiology/Pathology), MSU, 2003
- M.A. (non-thesis master in Entomology), North Carolina State University, 1998
- B.S. (Agriculture), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1989
Six Sigma Green Belt, North Iowa Area Community College, 2019
2020 – present |
Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS Corn Host Plant Resistance Research Unit, Mississippi State, MS |
2013 – 2020 |
Entomology Specialist, Quality Control Laboratory, Valent BioSciences LLC, Osage, Iowa |
2010 – 2013 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Mississippi State University |
1999 – 2009 |
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University |
1990 – 1996 |
Entomologist, Indonesian Atomic Energy Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia |
- Collaboratively developed and continuously improved an insect rearing facility with proper traffic flow and quality control monitoring to minimize contamination in the insectary that was built directly adjacent to Bt manufacturing facility.
- Collaboratively developed special dispenser system for green lacewing eggs placement in their larval rearing unit. The new system greatly improved egg distribution efficiency in comparison to salt-shaker method. Using the new system the percentage eggs containing the desired number of eggs per cell was significantly increased. This system also significantly reduced the labor and time involved in the process.
Past Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Woolfolk, S., Stokes, C.E., Watson, C., Brown, R., and R. Baird. 2016. Bacteria Associated with Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta) from Mounds in Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (1): 83-101.
- Woolfolk, S., Stokes, C.E., Watson, C., Baker, G., Brown, R., and R. Baird. 2016. Fungi Associated with Solenopsis invicta Buren (Red Imported Fire Ant, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Mounds in Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (2): 220-234.
- Six, D.L., Stone, W.D., de Beer, Z.W. and S.W. Woolfolk. 2009. Ambrosiella beaveri, sp. nov., associated with an exotic ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus mutilatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), in Mississippi, USA. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 96(1): 17-29.
- Baird, R. E., Woolfolk, S.W., and C. E. Watson. 2009. Microfungi of forest litter from healthy American beech, fraser fir, and eastern hemlock stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist 8: 609-630.
- Baird, R. E., Woolfolk, S.W., and C. E. Watson. 2007. Survey of bacterial and fungal associates of black/hybrid imported fire ants from mounds in Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 6(4): 615-632.
- Woolfolk, S.W., Smith, D.B., Martin, R.A., Sumrall, B.H., Nordlund, D.A., and R.A. Smith. 2007. Multiple orifice distribution system for placing green lacewing eggs into Verticel® larval rearing units. Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 283-290.
- Baird, R. E., Watson, C. E., and S.W. Woolfolk. 2007. Microfungi from bark of healthy and damaged American beech, Fraser fir, and Eastern hemlock forests during an all taxa biodiversity inventory (ATBI) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist 6: 67-82.
- Woolfolk, S.W., Cohen, A.C., and G.D. Inglis. 2004. Morphology of the alimentary canal of Chrysoperla rufilabris (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults in relation to microbial symbionts. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97: 796-808.
- Woolfolk, S.W., and G.D. Inglis. 2004. Microorganisms associated with field-collected Chrysoperla rufilabris (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults with emphasis on yeast symbionts. Biological Control 29: 155-168.
Professional Societies
Entomological Society of America
Chair of Early Career Professional Awards Committee, Southeastern Branch (2022-2025); and member
Mississippi Entomological Association - member
Society of Southwestern Entomologists - member
ORCID: 0000-0001-7025-9745
Genetic Improvement of Maize for Resistance to Aflatoxin Accumulation and Fall Armyworm Damage In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:445200
will take you to the publication reprint.)
-(Database / Dataset)
Woolfolk, S.W., Matthews Jr, G.A., Read, Q.D. 2024. Data and code from: Comparison of infestation rates of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) neonates for maize resistance screening. Ag Data Commons.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abel, C.A., Woolfolk, S.W., Lopez, M.D., Frei, U.K. 2024. Assessing levels of resistance to Spodoptera frugiperda in four experimental inbred lines of maize. Southwestern Entomologist. 49(4):1-7.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Woolfolk, S.W., Ni, X., Krakowsky, M.D., Matthews Jr, G.A. 2024. Resistance of germplasm enhancement of maize inbred lines to fall armyworm and corn earworm. Journal of Crop Improvement. 38(3):179-188.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Woolfolk, S.W., Martin, S.M. 2023. Alternative moth cage for small scale rearing of Southwestern Corn Borer. Southwestern Entomologist. 48(4):1011-1014.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Woolfolk, S.W., Matthews Jr, G.A., Williams, W.P. 2023. Evaluation of germplasm lines of maize for resistance to fall armyworm and southwestern corn borer leaf-feeding damage. Southwestern Entomologist. 48(2):347-352.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abel, C.A., Frei, U.K., Woolfolk, S.W. 2023. Evaluating founding landraces of maize population PI 674097 for resistance to leaf-feeding Spodoptera frugiperda. Southwestern Entomologist. 48(1):83-88.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Warburton, M.L., Woolfolk, S.W., Smith, J.S., Hawkins, L.K., Castano-Duque, L.M., Lebar, M.D., Williams, W.P. 2023. Genes and genetic mechanisms contributing to fall armyworm resistance in maize. The Plant Genome. 16(2):e20311.
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