As new fruits were produced in south Florida from the plant introductions, problems with the market quality of the fruit developed. A Market Quality research component was added to the SHRS in 1956 and consists of scientists who have and are continuing to work on problems associated with maintaining consistently high quality fruit on the grocery store shelves.
With the enlarged awareness of tropical fruit crops, demand increased and sources of production outside of the U.S. were located. The importation of mango and other fruits posed potential problems to U.S. agriculture because of the high risk of pests being imported with the commodity. In response to this, in 1968 a Commodity Treatment research group was added to the SHRS. This group has developed quarantine treatments to ensure that pests are not transported with the desired product.
In addition, in 1998 the Everglades Agricultural Hydrology Research Unit was added.
These research groups all contribute to the success of the SHRS. Additionally, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has a kennel on the station and trains dogs to detect by scent restricted food items brought in by visitors to the U.S. The State of Florida, Department of Agriculture has its Division of Plant Industry Phytosanitary and Citrus Canker Inspectors housed at the SHRS.