Clement Sohoulande |
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Clement Sohoulande
Research Agricultural Engineer
Coastal Plains Soil, Water, and Plant Research Center
2611 West Lucas St., Florence, SC 29501-1242
843-669-5203 x106
Dr. Sohoulande is a research agricultural engineer currently working on the multiscale modeling of water quantity and quality under variable climate conditions. His research interests lie in the fields of agroclimatology, modeling the multiscale impact of livestock manure management technologies, hydrological and crop modeling, and the inclusion of remote sensing in agricultural water management.
Education and Training:
Ph.D., Water Resources Management, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)
M.E., Water and Environmental Engineering, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (Rep. Burkina Faso)
M.S., Agronomy & Agricultural Engineering, University of Abomey Calavi (Rep. Benin )
Professional Experience:
Research Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS, Florence, SC
Research Associate, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)
Assistant Researcher, Center on Conflict & Development, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)
Selected Publications:
- Sohoulande Djebou, C. D., Conger, S., Szogi, A.A., Stone, K.C., J. Martin. 2021. Seasonal precipitation pattern analysis for decision support of agricultural irrigation management in Louisiana, USA. Agricultural Water Management. 254: 106970.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Szogi, A.A., Stone, K.C. and Novak, J.M., 2020. Watershed Scale Nitrate-N Abatement of Instream Wetlands: An Appraisal Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(3), pp.387-397.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Ma, L., Szogi, A.A., Sigua, G.C., Stone, K.C. and Malone, R., 2020. Evaluating nitrogen management for corn production with supplemental irrigation on sandy soils of the Southeastern Coastal Plain region of the United States. Transactions of the ASABE, p.0.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Martin, J., Szogi, A. and Stone, K., 2020. Climate-Driven Prediction of Land Water Storage Anomalies: An Outlook for Water Resources Monitoring Across the Conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrology, p.125053.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., 2019. Streamflow Drought Interpreted Using SWAT Model Simulations of Past and Future Hydrologic Scenarios: Application to Neches and Trinity River Basins, Texas. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(9), p.05019024.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Stone, K. and Singh, V.P., 2019. Quantifying the probabilistic divergences related to time-space scales for inferences in water resource management. Agricultural Water Management, 217, pp.282-291.
- Sohoulande Djebou, C.D., Stone, K., Szogi, A., Bauer, P. 2019. An investigation of seasonal precipitation patterns for rainfed agriculture in the Southeastern region of the United States. Agricultural Water Management. 223:105728.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., 2017. Bridging Drought and climate aridity. Journal of Arid Environment. 144:170-180.
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