Go Baby Go!
How does the particle size in soil affect the way water moves through the soil? |
soil from the yard, jar with lid, water, filter paper, 3 funnels, 3 clear plastic cups or jars, stop watch or watch with second hand, paper |
1. Fill the jar half full with soil. |
4. Let the jar stand 25-30 minutes.
6. Label each layer based on its particle size.
7. Allow the water in the jar to evaporate for several days. Then drain off any remaining water. 8. Using a spoon separate the layers and place equal amounts from each layer in separate funnels lined with filter paper. Place the funnels over cups. |
To Ponder...
1. Which size soil particles hold water the longest? 2. Which size particles allow water to move through the soil? 3. Based on your observations what type of soil would be the best to have in a garden? |