Responsive Agricultural Food Systems Research Unit
Food and Feed Safety Research
- The Control of Food Safety Pathogens in Preharvest Poultry
- Immunological and Practical Approaches to Manipulate the Ecological Niches and Reduce Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry
- Ecological Factors that Enable Colonization, Retention, and Dispersal of Foodborne Pathogens and Intervention Strategies to Control the Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Cattle and Swine
- Utilizing Pre-harvest Enumeration and Risk Factors to Predict Ground Turkey Test Results
- Develop a Novel Immunogenic Probiotic to Improve Neonatal Gut Health
- A Novel Probiotic to Increase Chicken Gut Integrity and Maturation at Early Life to Improve Health and Disease Resistance
- Evaluation of an Oregano-Based Feed Additive to Reduce Salmonella Colonization in Poultry
- Consultation and Review Services for Biohazard Research