Virus and Prion Research
- Transmission Bottlenecks and Within-host Evolutionary Dynamics of Influenza A Virus
- Evolution of Influenza A Virus in Swine in Brazil
- Elucidating the Pathobiology and Transmission of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
- NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response
- The Study of Influenza A Viruses in the Swine Host
- Intervention Strategies to Control Endemic and New Emerging and Re-Emerging Viral Diseases of Swine
- Intervention Strategies to Control Endemic and New and Emerging Influenza A Virus Infections in Swine
- Efficacy of a Pan-genotypic Influenza A Virus Antisense Locked Nucleic Acid Oligonucleotide (LNA) as a Preventative and Therapeutic in Swine
- Virulence Mechanisms, Microbiome Changes and Control Strategies for Priority Bacterial Infections in Swine
- Response to APHIS SARS-CoV-2 Research Priorities Phase 1 (VPR)
- Development of Wireless Sensors for Detecting Misfolded Prion Proteins and Rumen pH of Deer
- Algorithms to Identify Novel Influenza A Viruses in Genomic Surveillance Data
- Assessing the Potential Transmissibility of Bovine and Cervid Prions with a Human Prion Protein-based Model
- Safe and Broadly Cross-Protective Live Attenuated Influenza Virus Vaccine for Use in Swine
- Characterization of Influenza at the Human and Swine Interface
- Pathogenesis of Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus
- Online Algorithms to Identify Reassortment and Genetic Novelty in Genomic Influenza A Virus Surveillance Data
- USDA Influenza A Virus in Swine Surveillance System – Genomic Epidemiology and Evolution
- mRNA-LNP Vaccines for Pandemic Preparedness
- Assessment of Biochar- Chronic Wasting Disease Interactions and the Feasibility of Using Biochar to Reduce Spread of Chronic Wasting Disease
- Mechanisms of Differential Pathogenesis and Risk Among Mammalian Isolates of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Strains in Swine
- Defining Antagonism Hierarchy of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus for Live Vaccines Design
- In Vivo Evaluation of Avirulent Live B. Bronchiseptica Vaccine to Reduce PRDC Severity
- The Study of Influenza A Viruses in the Swine Host
- Development of Vaccines for HPAI in Pigs Related to HPAI Virus in Food Products (Swine Studies)
- Development of Vaccines for HPAI in Pigs Related to HPAI Virus in Food Products (HPAI Natural Course of Disease)
- Investigation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Clade in Cattle to Determine Pathogenesis, Vaccine Efficacy and Seroprevalence
Infectious Bacterial Diseases Research
- Development and Testing of Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis Diva Vaccines in Dairy Cattle
- Development and Validation of TB Diagnostics for Deer and Cattle that have been Vaccinated with BCG
- Diagnostic and Mitigation Strategies to Control Tuberculosis in Cattle and Wildlife
- Intervention Strategies for Spirochete Diseases
- Development of Improved Diagnostic and Control Strategies for Brucellosis in Livestock and Wildlife
- Identification of Antigens and Host Innate Immune Responses for Control of Johne's Disease
- TB Diagnostics in Vaccinated Cattle and Deer
- Experimental Infections of Elk With SARS-CoV-2
- SARS-CoV-2 White-tailed Deer Infection Dynamics and Antibody Persistence
- Severe acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Research Priorities
- SARS-CoV-2 White-tailed Deer Infection Dynamics and Antibody Persistence
- Accelerating Bovine Tuberculosis Control in Developing Countries
Ruminant Diseases and Immunology Research
- Intervention Strategies to Prevent and Control Viral Respiratory Pathogens of Ruminants
- Host-pathogen Interactions and Control Strategies for Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens in Cattle
- Genomic and Mitigation Strategies to Control Mastitis
- Host-pathogen Interactions and Control Strategies for Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens in Cattle
- Generation of a Transposon Mutant Library of Mycoplasma Mycoides Subspecies Mycoides
- Continued Development of an Immunological Toolkit and Profile for Bottlenose Dolphins
- Evaluate ARS Vaccine Candidates Against Mycoplasma Mycoides Subspecies Mycoides
- Continued Development of an Immunological Toolkit and Profile for Bottlenose Dolphins
- Development of Vaccines for HPAI in Cattle Related to HPAI Virus in Food Products (Cattle Studies)