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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Newark, Delaware » Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #199678

Title: Aphis glycines & Halyomorpha halys: Asian agricultural pests recently established in the North America

item Hoelmer, Kim

Submitted to: Asia Pacific Congress of Entomology
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/3/2005
Publication Date: 10/12/2005
Citation: Hoelmer, K.A. 2005. Aphis glycines & Halyomorpha halys: Asian agricultural pests recently established in North America. 5th Asia Pacific Congress of Entomology. Available on CD.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Despite regulatory inspections and quarantine, the invasion of insects in new geographic regions continues to cause problems. Several Asian insects are recent examples of invasive agricultural pests in North America. Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, widespread throughout China, Korea, and Japan, was first reported in Wisconsin during the summer of 2000. It spread rapidly to adjacent states and is now found throughout the midwest and northeast U.S. and parts of Canada. The aphid became a key pest of soybeans in the midwest states, resulting in costly pesticide treatments. Asian parasitoids of A. glycines are being evaluated for possible release in the U.S. The brown marmorated (yellow-brown) stinkbug, Halyomorpha halys (= mista), has a similar distribution in Asia. Its presence was confirmed in North America in 2001 in the Lehigh valley north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It has since spread to surrounding states in the eastern U.S. and was recently detected in Oregon and California on the west coast. Its wide host range, including many fruit trees, soybeans, and ornamentals, and its habit of invading buildings for overwintering, suggests that it may become a significant regional pest in North America. Entomologists are monitoring its spread in the U.S., surveying for native natural enemies attacking H. halys, developing pheromone lures, and examining the potential for classical biological control with parasitoids introduced from Asia. Classical biological control of each pest will commence only after a favorable assessment of risk to nontarget species