Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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2023 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)
Current View: Peer Reviewed Publications Only
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 1 to 18 of 18 Records
Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa strain ATCC 35874 isolated from infected red oak in Washington, D.C.
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Complete genome sequence of shamrock chlorotic ringspot virus, a novel potyvirus infecting ornamental Oxalis triangularis in the United States and the Netherlands
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of camellia cultivars and selections for growth, cold hardiness, flowering, and disease resistance in Tennessee, USA
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Recovery plan for Ralstonia solanacearum Race 3 Biovar 2 (Phylotype IIB, sequevars 1 and 2) causing brown rot of potato, bacterial wilt of tomato, and southern wilt of geranium
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Transient gene expression in Petunia flower petals as a toolbox
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of Hydrangea cultivars for tolerance against root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of tomato spotted wilt virus infecting lobelia in South Korea
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Root predominant overexpression of iaaM and CKX genes promotes root initiation and biomass production and initiation in citrus
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of dasheen mosaic virus infecting calla lilies in South Korea
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of a series of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) chimeric clones reveals two amino acid sites critical for systemic infection in Chinese cabbage
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Genetic diversity among rose rosette virus isolates: a roadmap towards studies of gene function and pathogenicity
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Five New Combinations in Passiflora Section Dysosmia (Passifloraceae)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Characterization of host-effector transcription dynamics during pathogen infection in engineered late blight resistant potato
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Optimizing efficient PCR-amplifiable DNA extraction from herbarium specimens
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Boxwood Epiphytic and Endophytic bacterial communities and their differential responses to systemic and contact fungicides
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Differentiation of cool-virulent strains in Ralstonia solanacearum species complex by melt curve of DNA fragment from effector gene ripS1
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Genetic diversity of Colonial bentgrass Agrostis capillaris based on simple sequence repeat markers and high-resolution melt analysis with haplotype scoring
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tree architecture and powdery mildew resistance of yellow-flowering magnolias in Tennessee, USA
(Peer Reviewed Journal)