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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Fort Pierce, Florida » U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory » Research » Publications at this Location » Publications at this Location

Publications at this Location

ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.

Clicking on a publication title will take you to more information on the publication. Clicking on the reprint icon Repository URL will take you to the publication reprint.

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 |

2021 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)

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Displaying 1 to 20 of 89 Records

Quantifying the effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies on nitrous oxide emissions from raised bed plasticulture tomato production Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
A long-amplicon viability-qPCR test for quantifying living pathogens of bacterial spot in tomato seed Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pragmatic applications and universality of DNA barcoding for substantial organisms at species level: A review to explore a way forward Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Field guide for phantasma scale Reprint Icon
Preharvest foliar salicylic acid sprays reduce cracking of fig fruit at harvest Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Source or sink? the ole of residential host plants in Asian citrus psyllid infestation of commercial citrus groves Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Five rootstocks for ‘Emperor’ mandarin under subtropical climate in Southern Brazil Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Steam explosion (STEX) of citrus x poncirus hybrids with exceptional tolerance to candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) as useful sources of volatiles and other commercial products Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Characterization of the entomopathogenic fungal species conoideocrella luteorostrata on 17 the scale insect pest fiorinia externa infesting the christmas tree abies fraseri in the USA
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Novel insight into the distribution and dissemination of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the causal agent ofcitrus Huanglongbing Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Parasitoid vectors a plant pathogen, potentially diminishing the benefits it confers as a biological control agent Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Planting in metallized reflective mulch did not significantly benefit development of new hybrid seedlings Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Graft compatibility of new scion-rootstock combinations
(Trade Journal)
SuperSour: A new strategy for breeding superior citrus rootstocks Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Efficacy of Precocene I from Desmosstachya bipinnata as an ef-fective bioactive molecules against the Spodoptera litura Fab. and its impact on Eisenia fetida Savigny Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Identification of a chromosomal deletion mutation and the dynamics of two major populations of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in its hosts Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nanoemulsions as edible coatings: A potential strategy for fresh fruits and vegetables preservation Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Aroma compounds are responsible for an herbaceous off-flavor in the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cv. Regina during fruit development Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Different sweet orange-rootstock combinations infected by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus under greenhouse conditions: Effects on the roots Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Different sweet orange-rootstock combinations infected by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus under greenhouse conditions: Effects on the scion Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)