Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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2009 Publications
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 41 to 60 of 84 Records
Storage and Pretreatment of Biomass Feedstocks by Ensiling
ARISA Analysis of Ruminal Bacterial Community Dynamics in Lactating Dairy Cows During the Feeding Cycle
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Transport of Nutrients and Pathogens in Surface Runoff in a Corn Silage System: Paired Watershed Methodology and Three-Year Results
(Abstract Only)
Breeding Objectives in Forages
(Book / Chapter)
Silage Quality and Dairy Production
Stimulation of Growth and Changes in the Hepatic Transcriptome by Estradiol-17-Beta in the Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Correlations Between Visual Biomass Scores and Forage Yield in Space-Planted Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) Breeding Nurseries
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Snap-shot Assessment of Nutrient Use Efficiency on Confinement Dairy Farms
(Research Notes)
On Farmers’ Ground: Wisconsin Dairy Farm Nutrient Management Survey Questionnaire
(Research Notes)
Manure Tracking Book
(Research Notes)
On Farmers' Ground: Final Farmer Report
(Research Notes)
In-situ Ruminal Protein, Fiber, and Dry Matter Degradability of Legume Silages and Hays as Influenced by Protein-binding Polyphenols and Conditioning Methods
Harvest Management Effects on Crude Protein, Protein Fractions, Fiber and Yield of Dairy-quality Red Clover Conserved as Silage
Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Dairy Production
New Developments in Forage Varieties
Polyphenol, Conditioning, and Conservation Effects on Protein Fractions and Degradability in Forage Legumes
(Abstract Only)
Cutting Management Effects on Yield, Fiber, and Protein Degradability of Red Clover Conserved as Silage.
(Abstract Only)
Nitrogen Fertilization Rates for Meadow Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Orchardgrass
(Popular Publication)
A Survey of Golf Courses as a Source of Invasive C3 Grasses
(Abstract Only)
Yields of Corn Silage Fertilized with Manure and Grown with Legume or Non-legume Companion Crops
(Abstract Only)