Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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2021 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 21 to 40 of 123 Records
Proteome-wide response of dormant caryopses of the weed, Avena fatua, after colonization by a seed-decay isolate of Fusarium avenaceum
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Association mapping of sponge cake volume in U.S. Pacific Northwest elite soft white wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
A novel alphahypovirus that infects the fungal plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Occurrence of eyespot of cereals in Tunisia and identification of Oculimacula species and mating types
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Late Maturity Alpha-Amylase (LMA): Exploring the Underlying Mechanisms and End-Use Quality Effects in Wheat
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dry bean breeding and production technologies
(Book / Chapter)
Ovine gammaherpesvirus-2 infection associated with chronic interstitial pneumonia in a sheep
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Trait associations in pea and implications in variety development process
Breeding for super soft kernel texture in white winter wheat
(Abstract Only)
Effects of Glu-D1 and Gpc-1 gene introgressions on soft durum wheat dough strength and bread making quality
(Abstract Only)
Genetics-inspired data-driven approaches explain and predict crop performance fluctuations attributed to changing climatic conditions
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chapter 2: gluten containing ancient grains
(Book / Chapter)
Advances in understanding of the immune response to mycobacterial pathogens and vaccines through use of cattle and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis as a prototypic mycobacterial pathogen
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
The RLK protein TaCRK10 activates wheat high-temperature seedling-plant resistance to stripe rust through interacting with TaH2A.1
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Essential fatty acids as a target nutritional trait for chickpea (Cicer arietinum) biofortification
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
A screening for virus infections in eight herds of semi-domesticated Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway, 2013–2018
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Molecular characterization of wheat stripe rust pathogen (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) collections from nine countries
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Associated SNPs, heritabilities, trait correlations, and genomic breeding values for resistance in snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to root rot caused by Fusarium solani (Mart.) f. sp. phaseoli (Burkholder)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
No-till farming for managing soil organic matter in semiarid, temperate regions
(Book / Chapter)
Effects of the functional Gpc-B1 allele on soft durum wheat grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality
(Peer Reviewed Journal)