Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 1 to 20 of 20 Records
Biology and host range of Digitivalva delaireae (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterigidae), a candidate agent for biological control of Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata) in California and Oregon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Investigation of Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis in invaded macrophyte communities
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Intraspecific and phenotypic variation in salinity responses of invasive Spartina densiflora from Pacific estuaries of North America
Changes in tussock architecture of invasive Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) along the Pacific Coast of North America
Effectiveness of the aquatic halophyte Sarcocornia perennis spp. perennis as a biotool for ecological restoration of metal-contaminated salt marshes
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Orientation behavior of predaceous ground beetle species in response to volatile emissions from yellow starthistle damaged by an invasive slug
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Prediction of the geographic distribution of the psyllid, Arytinnis hakani (Hemoptera, Psyllidae), a prospective biological control agent of Genista monspessulana, based on the effect of temperature on development, fecundity
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Germination characteristics of Zannichellia palustris from a northern California spring-fed river
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Benefits of controlling nuisance aquatic plants and algae in the United States
(Review Article)
Evaluation of stem injection for managing giant reed (Arundo donax)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Seed size and nutrient content variation for twenty-one invasive and native California and Oregon taxa of the tribe Cynareae (Asteraceae)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Temperature-dependent models of Zannichellia palustris seed germination for application in aquatic systems
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Field testing Diorhabda elongata (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) from Crete, Greece to assess potential impact to non-target native California plants in the genus Frankenia
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pre-release efficacy test of the prospective biological control agent Arytinnis hakani on the invasive weed Genista monspessulana
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Field experiments to evaluate host plant specificity of prospective agents of Onopordum acanthium in Bulgaria
(Abstract Only)
Taxonomic status of Trichosirocalus species (Curculionidae) attacking Carduus, Cirsium and Onopordum species
(Abstract Only)
Improving the evaluation process of Cosmobaris scolopacea (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a prospective biocontrol agent of Salsola tragus, using a molecular approach
(Abstract Only)
Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) along a broad latitudinal gradient on the Pacific Coast of North America
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Status of biological control projects on terrestrial invasive alien weeds in California