Submitted to: Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 2/1/1997 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Stilt bugs exhibit both plant-feeding and predatory behavior. Several species have been implicated as pests of certain crops such as cacao, cotton, tobacco, and tomato. Others have been considered important predators of aphids, lepidopteran eggs, and gall-making flies. The first comprehensive revision of the family Berytidae, commonly called stilt bugs, is provided for the Western Hemisphere. Provided in this monograph are 13 adult dorsal habitus drawings and nearly 200 electron micrographs of pertinent structures to facilitate recognition, and descriptions and identification keys for three subfamilies, six tribes, 13 genera, and 53 species, 21 of which are described as new to science. All literature associated with New World stilt bugs is reviewed and many new host plants given. This study will be useful to all researchers interested in insects of biological control potential and pest species that attack a wide array of crops. It will also help regulatory personnel charged with insect identifications. Technical Abstract: Provided are keys to the three subfamilies of Berytidae; keys to 13 genera, and 53 species, 21 of which are new; 13 adult dorsal habitus drawings and nearly 200 line drawings and electron micrographs to facilitate recognition; and information on host plants, feeding habits, and economic importance. Nine Lectotypes and six neotypes designated. Acanthopysa idaho Harris, 1941, is considered a junior synonym of Acanthophysa echinata Uhler, 1893; Jalysus balli Harris, 1941, a junior synonym of Jalysus reductus Barber, 1939; Parajallysus nigrescens Distant, 1903, a junior synonym of Parajalysus spinosus Distant, 1881; and Parajalysus pallidus Harris, 1943, a junior synonym of Parajalysus punctipes Van Duzee, 1933. |