Submitted to: Extension Circular
Publication Type: Experiment Station Publication Acceptance Date: 1/31/1996 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: The release of new, improved soybean varieties is essential to maintain profitable production of this major field crop grown in the Midwest. Kentwood 94 is a new variety adapted to production in the northern third of Indiana. This variety, developed by the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, has greater yield potential than currently grown, publicly developed varieties, adapted to production in northern Indiana. In addition, it is resistant to nearly all races of a pathogen that causes a root and stem rot of soybean and that is widespread in Indiana soils. Seed of this new variety will be available for planting by Indiana soybean growers in 1996. Technical Abstract: The release of new, improved soybean varieties is essential to maintain profitable production of this major field crop in the Midwest. Kenwood 94 is a new Group II soybean variety that has excellent yield potential and is resistant to nearly all races of the pathogen that causes Phytophthora rot that have been identified in Indiana. This variety was developed by the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and was released for production in Indiana, as well as in other states. Seed will be available for planting by soybean producers in 1996. |