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Research Project: Bioproducts and Biopolymers from Agricultural Feedstocks

Location: Bioproducts Research

Title: Elemental analysis of valuable byproducts by TXRF spectrometry: Coal fly ash and activated carbon

item CINOSI, AMEDEO - Gnrsrl
item SIVIERO, GIACOMO - Gnrsrl
item McCaffrey, Zachariah

Submitted to: Spectrochimica Acta B
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/9/2024
Publication Date: 8/10/2024
Citation: Cinosi, A., Siviero, G., McCaffrey, Z. 2024. Elemental analysis of valuable byproducts by TXRF spectrometry: Coal fly ash and activated carbon. Spectrochimica Acta B. S0584-8547(24)00161-7 .

Interpretive Summary: Trace element analysis was performed on coal fly ash and activated carbons from coconut and almond shells using different sample preparation methods for total relection x-ray spectrometry analysis. The different preparation methods and results were compared.

Technical Abstract: Byproducts derived from carbon-rich matrices, including coal fly ash and activated carbon from coconut and almond shells, were investigated by means of total reflection x-ray spectrometry and different sample preparations. Suspension, acid digestion, solid-liquid extraction and ashing were performed and assessed as to their complexity and detection capabilities, ranging from 0.01'mg/kg to 16'mg/kg, depending on the element and sample preparation. The internal standard quantification with gallium, aided by a variation of the standard additions method to take into account its possible presence in the samples, allowed to determine elements of environmental and technological interest, including K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Sr, Pb. Assets, limits and possible developments are presented and discussed.