Location: Food Surveys Research Group
Title: Total Usual Nutrient Intake from Food, Beverages, and Dietary Supplements, by Gender and Age, What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-March 2020 PrepandemicAuthor
Submitted to: Worldwide Web Site: Food Surveys Research Group
Publication Type: Research Technical Update Publication Acceptance Date: 8/22/2023 Publication Date: 8/30/2023 Citation: Moshfegh, A.J., Goldman, J.D., Rhodes, D.G., Friday, J.E. 2023. Total Usual Nutrient Intake from Food, Beverages, and Dietary Supplements, by Gender and Age, What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-March 2020 Prepandemic. Worldwide Web Site: Food Surveys Research Group. Available: https://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=22659. Interpretive Summary: The widespread use of dietary supplements can contribute substantially to nutrient intakes of the U.S. population. This report presents national estimates of means and distributions of total usual nutrient intake from food, beverages, and dietary supplements for 20 nutrients. Usual nutrient intake is the long-run average daily intake of a nutrient and needed to compare nutrient intake to dietary recommendation. When applicable, the estimated usual nutrient intakes are compared to Dietary Reference Intakes used to assess and plan the diets of healthy people http://nationalacademies.org/HMD/Activities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIs/DRI-Tables.aspx. Estimates were from day 1 and day 2 dietary recall interviews and a 30-day dietary supplement interview from individuals ages 1 and older (excluding breast-fed children and pregnant or lactating females) conducted in What We Eat In America (WWEIA), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2017-March 2020 Prepandemic. Statistics are reported for 12 gender/age groups by race/ethnicity categories including non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic Asian, and Hispanic. Data include nutrient intake estimates from food and beverages (both naturally present and fortified) and dietary supplements. Nutrient values for the food and beverage intakes were determined using the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2017-2018 and 2019-2020. The report is of benefit to researchers and health policy officials evaluating the proportion of the population by race/ethnicity at or below a certain level of intake or the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy within a group. It is available on the Food Surveys Research Group website at https://www.ars.usda.gov/nea/bhnrc/fsrg. Technical Abstract: The widespread use of dietary supplements can contribute substantially to nutrient intakes of the U.S. population. This report presents national estimates of means and distributions of usual nutrient intake from food, beverages, and dietary supplements for 20 nutrients. When applicable, the estimated total usual nutrient intakes are compared to Dietary Reference Intakes used to assess and plan the diets of healthy people http://nationalacademies.org/HMD/Activities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIs/DRI-Tables.aspx. Estimates of total usual intake were determined using the National Cancer Institute Method and day 1 and day 2 dietary recall interviews from individuals ages 1 and older (excluding breast-fed children and pregnant or lactating females) conducted in What We Eat In America (WWEIA), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2017-March 2020 Prepandemic. Statistics are reported for 12 gender/age groups by race/ethnicity categories including non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic Asian, and Hispanic. Sample weights designed for dietary analysis were used to allow estimates representative of the U.S. population for the years of collection. Data include nutrient intake estimates from food and beverages (both naturally present and fortified) and dietary supplements. Nutrient values for the food and beverage intakes were determined using the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2017-2018 and 2019-2020. This report is available on the Food Surveys Research Group website at https://www.ars.usda.gov/nea/bhnrc/fsrg. |