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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Oxford, Mississippi » National Sedimentation Laboratory » Watershed Physical Processes Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #394544

Research Project: Computational Tools and a Decision Support System for Management of Sediment and Water Quality in Agricultural Watersheds

Location: Watershed Physical Processes Research

Title: Development of the CCHE1D looped channel network model

item ZHANG, YAOXIN - University Of Mississippi
item CHAO, XIAOBO - University Of Mississippi
item AL-HAMDAN, MOHAMMAD - University Of Mississippi
item Bingner, Ronald
item Vieira, Dalmo

Submitted to: Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/27/2022
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The CCHE1D model, developed by National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering (NCCHE), is designed for dendritic 1D channel networks to efficiently simulate unsteady flows with non-equilibrium and non-uniform sediment transport and channel morphological change, general pollutant transport and fate, nutrient dynamics and water temperatures. However, the dendritic channel network allows only one outlet and junctions of flow confluence, which is not applicable for more general and realistic cases that can be described only by looped channel networks with multiple outlets and junctions of both flow confluences and divergences, such as agricultural irrigations, natural river networks and urban floods. To expand its capabilities in handling looped channel networks, CCHE1D model needs new developments on the numerical solver and the generation tools for looped channel networks. In this study, the junction-point water stage prediction and correction (JPWSPC) method proposed by Zhu et al. (2011) will be integrated into CCHE1D model to resolve the general 1D channel networks, either looped or dendritic. In JPWSPC, each branch is computed independently, which guarantees the simplicity, efficiency, and robustness of the numerical model. In addition to the digitization tool, the CCHE1D model plans to modify a delineation tool of dendritic channel network based on the watershed-merging algorithm (Zhang and Jia, 2020) for looped channel network generation. The observation that the loops only exit between junctions would make it possible to enable the watershed-merging algorithm for looped channel network generation. This paper will present some preliminary results from selected test cases of looped channel networks to demonstrate the developments at the current stage for the CCHE1D looped channel network model. More results will be reported in the future.