Location: Mosquito and Fly Research
Title: The AMCA research fund: now and into the futureAuthor
Submitted to: American Mosquito Control Association
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 11/3/2021 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: The AMCA Research Fund (AMCARF) has been instrumental in aligning the goals of the AMCA with the broader research community and vice versa. To date, eight research groups have been funded allowing for highly focused and high impact research projects. As we look ahead in the years to come, the AMCARF would like to feature new directions for the fund as a whole. This presentation will provide an overview of the current state of the AMCARF and discuss some possibilities for its future growth and development. Audience members should look forward to better understanding the major directions the AMCA Research Fund seeks to follow in the next coming year and brainstorming topics that are important to the AMCA community as a whole. We also aim to survey the attending audience to glean broad interests of the AMCA community and incorporate these into our future Requests for Proposals. |