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Research Project: Plant Feeding Mite (Acari) Systematics

Location: Systematic Entomology Laboratory

Title: Ontogenetic and morphological studies on Tetranychus canadensis (Acari:Tetranychidae)

item LIU, MAN - Guizhou Academy Of Agricultural Sciences
item YI, TIANCI - Guizhou Academy Of Agricultural Sciences
item GULBRONSON, C. - US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
item Bauchan, Gary
item Ochoa, Ronald

Submitted to: Zootaxa
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/6/2020
Publication Date: 10/6/2020
Citation: Liu, M., Yi, T., Gulbronson, C., Bauchan, G.R., Ochoa, R. 2020. Ontogenetic and morphological studies on Tetranychus canadensis (Acari:Tetranychidae). Zootaxa. 4857(1):215-250.

Interpretive Summary: Spider mites are major pest of crops, ornamental plants and trees world wide. However, spider mites are divided in three big groups based on the dorsal tegument patterns. We re-describe a major species in the largest genus of the spider mite family using differential interference contrast (DIC), confocal microscopy and low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LT-SEM). Research scientists, growers, USDA-APHIS and border control agents will use this information for the identification of these potential worldwide pests.

Technical Abstract: Tetranychus canadensis (McGregor) is redescribed based on type specimens and American non-type specimens. The ontogenetic development of leg chaetotaxy is provided, which is the typical additional pattern for Tetranychus. The variation of pregenital striae and shape of aedeagi are discussed. Low temperature scanning electron microscopic photos show the supracoxal setae on palpfemur (ep) and leg coxae I (el) are eupathidia; lateral and ventral lips bear modified leaflike adoral setae (or2 and or3) and the dorsal lips bearing a pair of spine-like dorsal adoral setae (or1); dorsal seta on tibia I (db) is a trichobothrium with a cup-shaped base and broken striae on the inner integument. Confocal scanning shows a thin, long ejaculatory duct and a thicker duct connecting the aedeagus to a cup-shaped seminal vesicle; the aedeagus is hollow where the ejaculatory duct passes through.