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ARS Home » Plains Area » Manhattan, Kansas » Center for Grain and Animal Health Research » Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #379105

Research Project: Genetic Improvement of Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Nutritional Quality in Hard Winter Wheat

Location: Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research

Title: Registration of ‘FourOsix’ hard red winter wheat

item BERG, J.E - Montana State University
item EBERLY, J.O - Montana State University
item LAMB, P.F. - Montana State University
item MILLER, J.H - Montana State University
item CHEN, C - Montana State University
item KEPHART, K.D. - Montana State University
item PRADHAN, G.P. - Montana State University
item STOUGAARD, R.N - Montana State University
item NASH, D.L. - Montana State University
item HOLEN, D.L. - Montana State University
item COOK, J.P. - Montana State University
item Gale, Samuel
item Jin, Yue
item Kolmer, James
item Chen, Xianming
item Bai, Guihua
item BRUCKER, P.L. - Montana State University

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/22/2019
Publication Date: 5/17/2019
Citation: Berg, J., Eberly, J., Lamb, P., Miller, J., Chen, C., Kephart, K., Pradhan, G., Stougaard, R., Nash, D., Holen, D., Cook, J., Gale, S., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J.A., Chen, X., Bai, G., Brucker, P. 2019. Registration of ‘FourOsix’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. (2019) 13:383-386.

Interpretive Summary: ‘FourOsix’ (MT1465) is a new high-yielding, winter-hardy hard red winter (HRW) wheat cultivar with medium maturity, medium to high grain protein, and excellent milling and baking quality. It was developed from a composite of five single crosses of predominant cultivar ‘Yellowstone’ and released by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station for its high grain yield in north central Montana, with earlier heading date, reduced plant height, improved grain volume weight, and improved stripe rust resistance relative to Yellowstone.

Technical Abstract: ‘FourOsix’ (Reg. no. CV-1153, PI 689753) hard red winter (HRW) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was developed and released by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) in 2018. FourOsix was derived from a composite of five single crosses of predominant cultivar ‘Yellowstone’ to advanced Montana breeding lines. FourOsix was developed using a modified bulk breeding method and selected as an F5:6 headrow. FourOsix was tested under the experimental number MT1465 in Montana yield trials from 2014 to 2018. FourOsix is a high-yielding, winter-hardy HRW wheat cultivar with medium maturity, medium to high grain protein, and excellent milling and baking quality. FourOsix was released for its excellent grain yield performance in winter wheat production environments of north central Montana, with earlier heading date, reduced plant height, improved grain volume weight, and improved stripe rust (caused by caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.) resistance relative to Yellowstone.