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Research Project: Advanced Genomic and Bioinformatic Tools for Accelerated Cotton Genetic Improvement

Location: Crop Germplasm Research

Title: Exploiting genetic variation of Gossypium gene pools for cotton improvement

item Yu, John
item Frelichowski, James
item Hinze, Lori
item Udall, Joshua

Submitted to: Plant and Animal Genome Conference
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/20/2019
Publication Date: 1/6/2020
Citation: Yu, J., Frelichowski, J.E., Hinze, L.L., Udall, J.A. 2020. Exploiting genetic variation of Gossypium gene pools for cotton improvement [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, January 11-15, 2020, San Diego, California. W820.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The genus of Gossypium consists of more than 50 species that provide primary and secondary gene pools essential for cotton improvement. Yet, the genetic potential of these gene pools is barely exploited due to various factors including the cotton industry's transgenic breeding program that heavily relies on very few transformable genotypes. Characterization of significant variants inherited through the cotton breeding process has been challenging. With the recent sequencing of several diploid and tetraploid cotton genomes, abundant DNA variation is uncovered within and among the Gossypium species and accessions. In concert with the phenotypic observation, such DNA variants are being associated to priority traits including fiber and seed quality properties as well as biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Now, it is possible to exploit the beneficial genetic variation that may facilitate and expedite molecular breeding of cultivated cottons. The current status and future perspective will be discussed.