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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Fort Pierce, Florida » U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory » Citrus and Other Subtropical Products Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #356643

Research Project: Integrated Strategies for Managing Pests and Nutrients in Vegetable and Ornamental Production Systems

Location: Citrus and Other Subtropical Products Research

Title: Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption

item Rosskopf, Erin
item DI GIOIA, FRANCESCO - Pennsylvania State University
item Hong, Jason
item OZORES-HAMPTON, MONICA - University Of Florida
item ZHAO, XIN - University Of Florida
item BLACK, ZACK - University Of Florida
item GAO, ZHIFENG - University Of Florida
item WILSON, CHRIS - University Of Florida
item THOMAS, JOHN - University Of Florida
item JONES, JEFF - University Of Florida
item BUTLER, DAVID - University Of Tennessee
item SHRESTHA, UTSALA - Noble Research Institute
item SATTANNO, KAYLENE - University Of Florida
item DELONG, ALIA - University Of Florida
item SWISHER, MICKIE - University Of Florida
item Burelle, Nancy
item WANG, JINGUI - University Of Florida
item LI, ZHOUNA - University Of Florida
item SHI, LIJIA - University Of Florida
item Pisani, Cristina
item GUO, HAICHAO - Miami University - Ohio
item ZHU, QING - University Of Florida
item PAUDEL, BODH - University Of Florida
item JOHNS, CHRISTIAN - University Of California
item FINLEY, NATOSHA - University Of California
item MURAMOTO, JOJI - University Of California
item Albano, Joseph
item SHENNAN, CAROL - University Of California

Submitted to: Acta horticulturae
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/20/2019
Publication Date: 2/27/2020
Citation: Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Black, Z., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Jones, J., Butler, D.M., Shrestha, U., Sattanno, K., Delong, A., Swisher, M., Burelle, N.K., Wang, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Zhu, Q., Paudel, B., Johns, C.W., Finley, N.L., Muramoto, J., Albano, J.P., Shennan, C. 2020. Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption. Acta Horticulturae.

Interpretive Summary: Few alternatives to methyl bromide soil fumigation are not dependent upon the use of a broad-spectrum chemical. Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) is a non-chemical alternative to soil fumigation based on the combined concepts of biofumigation, biosolarization, soil saturation, and forced shifts in the microbial community that are highly dependent upon soil temperature, moisture, and the availability of a labile carbon source. Adoption by specialty crop producers has been limited due to multiple reasons. Impediments to adoption include the use of transparent film during treatment, which must be replaced. This issue was addressed through research which established that the use of opaque totally-impermeable film limited gas exchange, resulting in effective treatment. To determine if nutsedge control could be improved, ASD was successfully combined with one pre-emergent herbicide. Lower rates of organic amendments can be used for fall production and composted yard waste is a potential replacement for the use of composted poultry litter in ASD treatments.

Technical Abstract: Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) is a non-chemical alternative to soil fumigation based on the combined concepts of biofumigation, biosolarization, soil saturation, and forced shifts in the microbial community that are highly dependent upon soil temperature, moisture, and the availability of a labile carbon source. This method is currently being investigated in many countries, with its origins in the Netherlands and Japan. Different organic amendments are being evaluated as carbon sources for ASD, including rice bran in California and sugarcane molasses in Florida, USA. In Florida, composted poultry litter (CPL) and sugarcane molasses are applied with 5 cm of initial irrigation, beds are covered with totally-impermeable film (TIF) and allowed to incubate for three weeks. Levels of anaerobicity are monitored throughout the treatment time with a cumulative Eh target of 50,000mVh for control of some soilborne plant pathogenic fungi. In order to address researchable issues related to the implementation and adoption of ASD, a regional project was initiated in the southeastern United States in which a multi-disciplinary team conducted ASK field trials to answer specific grower-driven questions concerning ASD. Using tomato as the target crop, field trials were established at multiple locations in order to determine if ASD could be conducted utilizing opaque TIF; established prior to a spring production system when soil temperatures are cooler than for fall production; and combined with herbicides without causing crop phytotoxicity. In addition, concerns over nitrogen loss to the atmosphere as well as issues regarding expense of effective labile carbon sources are addressed.