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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Corvallis, Oregon » Horticultural Crops Production and Genetic Improvement Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #355143

Research Project: Genetic Improvement of Blackberry, Red and Black Raspberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry

Location: Horticultural Crops Production and Genetic Improvement Research Unit

Title: Register of new fruit and nut cultivars List 49 - Blackberry

item Finn, Chad
item SEBASTA, BETHANY - University Of Arkansas
item CLARK, JOHN - University Of Arkansas

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/1/2018
Publication Date: 6/1/2018
Citation: Finn, C.E., Sebasta, B.M., Clark, J.R. 2018. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars List 49 - Blackberry. HortScience. 53(6):752-754.

Interpretive Summary: The Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars is a listing of cultivars that have been released from around the world. List 49 reports on the releases for 18 crops. The blackberry section gives a description of the origin, and the fruit and plant characteristics for 19 recently released cultivars.

Technical Abstract: The Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars is a listing of cultivars that have been released from around the world. List 49 reports on the releases for 19 crops. The blackberry section gives a description of the origin, and the fruit and plant characteristics for the following cultivars: APF-122, APF-205T (Stark Black Gem), APF-236T (Baby CakesTM), Black Cascade, Columbia Sunrise,DrisBlackEight, DrisBlackNine, DrisBlackTen, DrisBlackEleven, DrisBlackTwelve (ChanceTM), DrisBlackThirteen (ElviraTM),DrisBlackFourteen, DrisBlackFifteen (BlackJackTM), DrisBlackSixteen, Eclipse, Galaxy, Hall’s Beauty, Mizao, and Shuofeng.