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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Corvallis, Oregon » Horticultural Crops Production and Genetic Improvement Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #353782

Research Project: Genetic Improvement of Blackberry, Red and Black Raspberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry

Location: Horticultural Crops Production and Genetic Improvement Research Unit

Title: Blueberry certification: Towards efficient movement of plants across borders

item TZANETAKIS, I - University Of Arkansas
item Martin, Robert

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/20/2018
Publication Date: 8/13/2018
Citation: Tzanetakis, I.E., Martin, R.R. 2018. Blueberry certification: Towards efficient movement of plants across borders. Abstract for the North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workshop; 2018 Aug 12-15; Orono, MN.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: For the past seven years there have been significant efforts to modernize and harmonize the certification standards for blueberry in the United States. This includes a clear designation of each propagation tier (generation), a list of targeted pathogens and best management practices including testing at the final generation for pathogens that are prevalent in the geographic area where a nursery is located. A draft of the proposed standard (available at was used as the guideline in three-year long pilot studies in Michigan, Oregon and Washington State to evaluate the feasibility to implement the new rules in the nursery industry of the respective states. After industry feedback states work together to harmonize rules, which will allow for streamlined movement of propagation material between the aforementioned states as well as other states that adopt the rules in the future.