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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Raleigh, North Carolina » Plant Science Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #350268

Title: Interactive effects of elevated temperature and ozone on soybean biomass production and seed yield

item Burkey, Kent
item Ray, Samuel
item Pursley, Walter
item ZOBEL, RICHARD - North Carolina State University

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/28/2018
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Predicting the impacts of air pollution and climate change on vegetation requires understanding of the interactions between elevated air temperature and atmospheric gases such as ozone. The air exclusion system (AES) developed by our group was used to expose soybean plants to combinations of elevated temperature (+4'C) and ozone. Soybean cultivar “Jake” was grown in the AES system in 2017. Season-long treatments were a CF air control, heated CF air (CF+H), elevated ozone (CF+O3), and the combination of heated CF air and elevated ozone (CF+O3+H). Soil moisture was maintained using drip irrigation to account for differences in evapotranspiration demand in heated plots. Biomass was affected only by the combination of high temperature and elevated ozone that resulted in a 21% loss of dry weight. Elevated temperature reduced seed yield by 35%. Elevated ozone alone reduced yield by 12% for this cultivar-treatment combination. Elevated ozone appeared to minimize the effect of high temperature on seed yield, but the impact was not statistically significant.