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Research Project: Adding Value to Plant-Based Waste Materials through Development of Novel, Healthy Ingredients and Functional Foods

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Title: Whole grain gluten-free high protein buckwheat-kale snacks (abstract)

item Kahlon, Talwinder
item Avena-Bustillos, Roberto
item Chiu, Mei Chen

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/28/2017
Publication Date: 4/28/2017
Citation: Kahlon, T.S., Avena Bustillos, R.D., Chiu, M.M. 2017. Whole grain gluten-free high protein buckwheat-kale snacks (abstract). Meeting Abstract. Experimental Biology/2017.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Four kinds of whole grain gluten-free high protein Buckwheat-Kale snacks were evaluated. The snacks were Buckwheat-Kale (BWK), BWK-Garlic, BWK-Onion and BWK-Ginger. Peanut meal as low value agricultural byproduct was utilized to increase the protein content of these snacks. The levels of dry garlic, onion and ginger were decided by consensus of laboratory personnel. The snacks were low in fat and salt. Snack dough was prepared using water nearly 1:1 as other ingredients. About 20 g of snack dough was placed on preheated KrumKake Express 839 Baker and cooked for 2 minutes. Sixty nine in-house volunteers judged Taste/Flavor significantly higher for BWK, BWK-Garlic and BWK-Onion snacks than for BWK-Ginger snacks. Odor/Aroma for BWK-Garlic snacks was significantly higher than for BWK-Ginger snacks. Acceptance for BWK and BWK-Garlic snacks was significantly higher than for BWK-Ginger snacks. Water activity of all the snacks tested ranged from 0.35-0.38 suggesting that these snacks were crispy and would have good anti-microbial stability. These snacks were quite light and brittle due to their expansion of 3.6-4.2 times due to their high (0.72-0.75%) porosity. Acceptance of snacks tested was BWK and BWK-Garlic 94%, BWK-Onion 86% and BWK-Ginger 78%. These snacks contained only 4-5 ingredients and could be made in any house kitchen or commercial production. Acceptance of 78-94% is very desirable. These high protein healthy nutritious snacks offer choice for all consumers, including individuals sensitive to gluten.