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Research Project: Developing Nutritional, Genetic, and Management Strategies to Enhance Warmwater Finfish Production

Location: Harry K. Dupree Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Cntr

Title: The effect of different winter feeding regimes on growth and fatty acid composition of golden shiners and fathead minnows

item ROY, LUKE - University Of Arkansas At Pine Bluff
item KELLY, ANITA - University Of Arkansas At Pine Bluff
item Webster, Carl
item Rawles, Steven
item STONE, NATHAN - University Of Arkansas At Pine Bluff
item PARK, JEONGHWAN - University Of Arkansas At Pine Bluff

Submitted to: Annual Meeting World Aquaculture Society
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/14/2015
Publication Date: 2/22/2016
Citation: Roy, L.A., Kelly, A.M., Webster, C.D., Rawles, S.D., Stone, N., Park, J. 2016. The effect of different winter feeding regimes on growth and fatty acid composition of golden shiners and fathead minnows [abstract]. Aquaculture 2016, February 22-26, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada. p. 680.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Winter mortality is a common problem for baitfish farmers in Arkansas that produce fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas). Bird predation, water quality issues, disease, and harsh fluctuating winter temperatures all contribute to winter fish losses and in turn affect farm profitability. Winter feeding programs have been suggested as a potential avenue to improve survival, condition, and reduce weight loss of baitfish during the winter. Methods of winter feeding vary widely among baitfish farms and currently there are no recognized best management practices for winter feeding. Hence, the impact of different winter feeding regimes on fish survival, growth, and lipid storage, were evaluated in a series of experiments conducted with fathead minnows (2014) and golden shiners (2015) at the UAPB Lonoke Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in Lonoke, Arkansas. A fathead minnow trial was carried out in a temperature-controlled aquarium system (900 L) consisting of nine aquaria. Fathead minnows (0.88 +/- 0.04 g) were stocked at ambient temperature and temperature was reduced to 7 deg C over the course of 7 days to mimic winter conditions. Once the target temperature was reached, three dietary feeding regimes (35% protein, 10% lipid feed) were implemented (3 replicates per treatment) that included feeding 1) ad libitum twice per week (2x/wk), 2) once per week (1x/wk), or 3) once per month (1x/mo). Whole fish were frozen at the beginning and end of the experiment to assess the response of fatty acid profile to feeding regime. After 13-weeks, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in weight gain, condition factor, and specific growth rate. Fathead minnows fed 2x/wk had weight gains of nearly 3%, while the fish offered feed 1x/wk and 1x/month lost weight (-2.3 and -10.1%, respectively). Fathead minnow fatty acid profiles also differed significantly (P<0.05) among treatments. The golden shiner winter feeding trial was stocked (0.88 ± 0.02 g), temperature acclimated, and fed identical to the fathead minnow trial except that 600-L tanks were used in place of aquaria in a temperature controlled recirculating aquaculture system. After 12-weeks, there were no significant differences in golden shiner final weight (0.79 – 0.82 g), survival (65.0 – 88.3%), or weight gain (-6.84 – -9.50%) among treatments. Condition factors of fish from the 2x/wk treatment were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of fish from the other two winter feeding regimes. Fatty acid profiles of golden shiners are currently being analyzed. Results of both trials suggest that implementation of a feeding program during the winter months, albeit at reduced feed rates compared to spring and summer, would benefit commercial baitfish producers.