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ARS Home » Midwest Area » West Lafayette, Indiana » Crop Production and Pest Control Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #321305

Title: Tolerance as a potential control method for Hessian fly (Diptera:Cecidomyiidae) in winter wheat.

item ROE, KIRSTEN - Purdue University
item Schemerhorn, Brandon
item Shukle, Richard

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/4/2016
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: Hessian fly is one of the most damaging insect pests to wheat across the world. One of the major problems in the control of Hessian fly is its ability to rapidly overcome resistance genes in wheat. Because of this problem, and because there are very few identified resistance genes left that are effective, we must work towards alternative means of controlling fly infestations. In this article, we explore the ability to use tolerance as a method of controlling fly infestations. With tolerance, the wheat is still infested with Hessian fly, but it is capable of growing at a rate comparable to uninfested wheat. With this type of control mechanism, we will be reducing pressure on the fly to become more virulent. This research identifies two lines of related wheat, one with and one without tolerance genes and explores how infestation with flies affects growth patterns in the wheat.

Technical Abstract: Tolerance in wheat may hold the key to reducing damage caused by the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, while enabling the plant to grow normally and reducing the selection pressures leading to increased virulence in fly populations. The susceptible lines Pioneer 25R75, susceptible wheat cultivar ‘Newton’, and the tolerant line Pioneer 25R78 were evaluated at 16 and 32 days post infestation treatment (dpi). At 16 dpi, there were no significant differences for leaf number or tiller number between control and treated plants for the tolerant Pioneer line 25R78, but there were differences within each of the Newton and Pioneer 25R75 sets. For 16 dpi, change in leaf length was significantly different within each line and between Hessian fly infested 25R78 and the infested susceptible lines. At 32 dpi, there was no significant difference in leaf length change between the infested and uninfested tolerant plants and the treated tolerant and untreated susceptible plants. At 16 dpi, there was a difference in visible larvae between infested 25R78 and 25R75, but at 32 dpi, there was no difference. At 32 dpi, infested 25R78 had significantly more leaves than the control, unlike 25R75 and Newton. The prevention of growth loss in 25R78 without larval antibiosis could allow this tolerant line to be able to produce high yields without placing selection pressure on Hessian flies through antibiosis.