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Research Project: Adding Value to Plant-Based Waste Materials through Development of Novel, Healthy Ingredients and Functional Foods

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Title: Teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth: Ancient whole grain gluten-free egg-free pasta

item Kahlon, Talwinder
item Chiu, Mei Chen

Submitted to: Food and Nutrition Sciences
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/20/2015
Publication Date: 11/23/2015
Citation: Kahlon, T.S., Chiu, M.M. 2015. Teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth: Ancient whole grain gluten-free egg-free pasta. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 6:1460-1467.

Interpretive Summary: Ancient whole grain, gluten-free, egg-free, no chemicals added pasta was prepared of teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flours and evaluated by 62 in-house tasters. The acceptance of naval pasta was teff 87%, buckwheat 82%, quinoa 61% and amaranth 15%. These pastas would increase whole grain consumption and offer a healthy option to vegetarians and to those with sensitivity to gluten.

Technical Abstract: This report demonstrates innovative ancient whole grains, gluten-free, egg-free pasta (no chemicals added) made using a kitchen counter-top appliance. Whole grain, fusilli pasta was prepared with teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flours. These ancient grains are called “Super Foods” due to their ideal essential amino acids and mineral profiles. Dough formulations contained 95% whole grain flour and 5% guar gum. Taste panels of 62 in-house volunteers judged amaranth pasta significantly (p = 0.05) higher in color/appearance than other pastas tested. Odor/aroma of buckwheat pasta and texture/mouth feel of teff pasta were significantly better than quinoa and amaranth pasta. Acceptance and taste/flavor of teff and buckwheat pasta were similar and significantly higher than quinoa and amaranth pasta (teff = buckwheat > quinoa > amaranth). The USDA food guide recommends that at least ½ of all the grains eaten should be whole grains. The FDA allows food Health Claim labels for food containing 51% whole gains and 11 g of dietary fiber per serving. Novel health promoting whole grain, good source of protein, gluten-free, egg-free (no chemicals added) pasta had acceptance of teff 87%, buckwheat 82%, quinoa 61% and amaranth 15%. Amaranth pasta needs improvement in several sensory attributes by fortification, processing and/or use of other cultivars for the desired results. Ancient whole grain, gluten-free, egg-free pasta would increase whole grain consumption and offer a healthy option to vegetarians as well as to gluten sensitive individuals.