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Title: A free new dietary supplement label database for dietitians

item DWYER, JOHANNA - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item SALDANHA, LEILA - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item BAILEN, RICHARD - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item BAILEY, REGAN - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item COSTELLO, REBECCA - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item BETZ, JOSEPH - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item CHANG, FLORENCE - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item GOSHORN, JEANNE - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item ANDREWS, KAREN - University Of Maryland
item Pehrsson, Pamela
item Milner, John
item BURT, VICKI - National Center For Health Statistics
item GAHCHE, JAMIE - National Center For Health Statistics
item HARDY, CONSTANCE - Food And Drug Administration(FDA)
item EMENAKER, NANCY - National Cancer Institute (NCI, NIH)

Submitted to: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/15/2014
Publication Date: 6/11/2014
Publication URL:
Citation: Dwyer, J.T., Saldanha, L.G., Bailen, R.A., Bailey, R.L., Costello, R.B., Betz, J.M., Chang, F.F., Goshorn, J., Andrews, K.W., Pehrsson, P.R., Milner, J.A., Burt, V.L., Gahche, J.J., Hardy, C.J., Emenaker, N.J. 2014. A new dietary supplement label database for dietitions. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2/2.

Interpretive Summary: Over half of US adults consume dietary supplements (DS). Some of the approximately 50,000 products on the market provide significant sources of nutrients or other bioactive constituents. It is important for dietitians to have information about them. In keeping with their missions, the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) and the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed a web-based Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) that is free and will eventually contain labels for virtually all DS products offered for sale in the US. For the >22,000 labels currently included, the DSLD contains quantitative information on constituents, a photograph of the label, and label information, including claims, warning statements, and contacts for the manufacturer/distributor of products. The database search options allow users to locate specific terms in any dietary supplement label field and to rapidly gather and sort information. It also provides links to other databases such as Medline Plus®, Pub Med® and NIH fact sheets. DSLD is a valuable resource for dietitians, researchers, and consumers who are interested in information about the labeled contents of DS products. It can be accessed at

Technical Abstract: Over half of US adults consume dietary supplements (DS). Some of the approximately 50,000 products on the market provide significant sources of nutrients or other bioactive constituents. It is important for dietitians to have information about them. In keeping with their missions, the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) and the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed a web-based Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) that is free and will eventually contain labels for virtually all DS products offered for sale in the US. For the >22,000 labels currently included, the DSLD contains quantitative information on constituents, a photograph of the label, and label information, including claims, warning statements, and contacts for the manufacturer/distributor of products. The database search options allow users to locate specific terms in any dietary supplement label field and to rapidly gather and sort information. It also provides links to other databases such as Medline Plus®, Pub Med® and NIH fact sheets. DSLD is a valuable resource for dietitians, researchers, and consumers who are interested in information about the labeled contents of DS products. It can be accessed at