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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Auburn, Alabama » Soil Dynamics Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #290826

Title: Preemergence herbicide placement and wide vs. narrow strip tillage, implications for pigweed control in reduced-tillage cotton

item TOOMBS, J - Auburn University
item Price, Andrew
item MCELROY, J - Auburn University
item MONKS, C - Auburn University

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/15/2013
Publication Date: 2/15/2013
Citation: Toombs, J., Price, A.J., Mcelroy, J.S., Monks, C.D. 2013. Preemergence herbicide placement and wide vs. narrow strip tillage, implications for pigweed control in reduced-tillage cotton. Southern Weed Science Society. CDROM.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Currently, glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Palmer amarantus) (PA) has become a serious threat to conservation tillage cotton production. A two-year field study was conducted from 2011 through 2012 at the Wiregrass Research and Extension Center near Headland, AL to evaluate the role of preemergence (PRE) herbicide placement and wide vs. narrow strip tillage for pigweed control in reduced-tillage cotton.. A cover crop of Wrens Abruzzi Rye (Secale cereale) was established using a no-till drill on the entire test area. Low residue plots were achieved by applying glyphosate before rye was completely mature. Prior to planting all plots received a burndown glyphosate treatment, were rolled with a 3-section spiral roller, and subsoiled with either a wide-slot (30 cm) four row 3m KMC strip-till rig with 4 wavy coulters and rolling baskets or a narrow-slot (< 5cm) four row 3m KMC subsoiler. PRE herbicides used were pendimethalin (Prowl 3.3 EC) and fomesafen (Reflex 2 EC) respectively. Herbicides were band or broadcast applied with a backpack sprayer directly after planting Phytogen 375 WRF. Data collected included visual PA control taken six weeks after planting between row (BR) and within the row (WR). Seed cotton yield data were collected after harvest. PA control was not influenced by tillage width either BR or WR in 2011 or 2012. Herbicide treatment resulted >89% control in 2011 and 2012 for both BR and WR except for 2011 BR PRE banded application. In 2011 an interaction between residue and weed control was observed BR. Low residue and banded herbicide along with non-treated controlled <23% PA. All other combinations controlled >94% PA. Yield was significantly affected by herbicide treatments in both 2011 and 2012. Where broadcast herbicide treated plots had higher yields than non-treated plots and non-treated plots had higher yields than those that were banded with herbicides. In 2011 residue amount influenced yield. Low residue produced greater yields than high. In 2012 the interaction of residue by weed control influenced yield. Yield was greatest with high residue and broadcast herbicide. Overall, broadcast PRE herbicide application generally resulted in the greatest weed control and the highest yield.