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Title: Collaborative exploration between NIAS genebank and USDA ARS for the collection of genetic resources of fruit and nut species in Hokkaido and the Northern Tohoku Region

item IKETANI, HIROYUKI - National Agricultural Research Organization - Japan (NARO)
item Hummer, Kim
item Postman, Joseph
item IMANISHI, HIROYUKI - Akita Prefectural University
item MASE, NOBUKO - National Agricultural Research Organization - Japan (NARO)

Submitted to: Journal of Japanese Botany
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/1/2010
Publication Date: 12/1/2010
Citation: Iketani, H., Hummer, K.E., Postman, J.D., Imanishi, H., Mase, N. 2010. Collaborative Exploration between NIAS Genebank and USDA ARS for the Collection of Genetic Resources of Fruit and Nut Species in Hokkaido and the Northern Tohoku Region. Journal of Japanese Botany. 26:13-26.

Interpretive Summary: From 7 to 25 September 2009 a collaborative exploration between NIAS Genebank and USDA ARS to collect genetic resources in Hokkaido and the Northern Tohoku region was performed. The investigated areas were mainly upper deciduous forest and subalpine conifer forest zones. The vegetation was mainly forests, but we also visited upland bogs and coastal vegetation to collect some particular plants. The expedition obtained 147 seed and plant samples representing 20 genera and 53 species.

Technical Abstract: From 7 to 25 September 2009 a collaborative exploration between NIAS Genebank and USDA ARS to collect genetic resources in Hokkaido and the Northern Tohoku region was performed. The investigated areas were mainly upper deciduous forest and subalpine conifer forest zones. The vegetation was mainly forests, but we also visited upland bogs and coastal vegetation to collect some particular plants. The expedition obtained 147 seed and plant samples representing 20 genera and 53 species. Collected genera included Actinidia, Chaenomeles, Corylus, Crataegus, Empetrum, Gaultheria, Humulus, Fragaria, Lonicera, Lycium, Malus, Mentha, Prunella, Potentilla, Pyrus, Ribes, Rubus, Sorbus, Vaccinium, and Vitis.