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Title: Healing, health, and horticulture: introduction to the workshop

item JANICK, JULES - Purdue University
item Hummer, Kim

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/3/2010
Publication Date: 11/9/2010
Citation: Janick, J., Hummer, K.E. 2010. Healing, Health, and Horticulture: Introduction to the Workshop. HortScience. 45(11):1584-1586.

Interpretive Summary: The present-day emphasis of horticulture and health is an extension of ancient and medieval traditions. The relationship of healing and the horticultural arts predates written history and relates to ancient wisdom, custom, and folklore. Plants and health have been of great concern for humankind considering both diet and medicinal uses. This workshop summary describes some medicinal traditions including Greek, Chinese, and Indian medicine dating from antiquity to the present. This workshop was held at the American Society for Horticultural Science meetings in 2009.

Technical Abstract: The present-day emphasis of horticulture and health is an extension of ancient and medieval traditions. The relationship of healing and the horticultural arts predates written history and relates to ancient wisdom, custom, and folklore. Plants and health have been of great concern for humankind considering both diet and medicinal uses. This workshop summary describes some medicinal traditions including Greek, Chinese, and Ayrevedic medicine dating from antiquity to the present. This workshop was held at the American Society for Horticultural Science meetings in 2009.