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Title: Psyllid cell culture: System to study Candidatus Liberibacter replication

item SWATSELL, C - University Of Texas
item ARRAS, J - University Of Texas
item BEXTINE, B - University Of Texas
item Hunter, Wayne

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/14/2010
Publication Date: 6/16/2010
Citation: Swatsell, C., Arras, J., Bextine, B.R., Hunter, W.B. 2010. Psyllid cell culture: System to study Candidatus Liberibacter replication [abstract]. National Citrus Research Coordination Symposium, June 16-18, 2010, Denver, Colorado.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: A cell culture system was established for the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), a highly competent vector of the phloem-inhabiting bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous (CLp) associated with the zebra complex disease in potato. Commonly referred to as Zebra Chip disease in the USA, this disease causes chip burn during processing. Efforts to determine if C. Liberibacter species of bacteria are associated with Zebra Chip have been impeded because C. Liberibacter has not yet been cultured on artificial nutrient media. Since C. Liberibacter is reported to be retained within the psyllid for several weeks, we have isolated and cultured this bacterium using psyllid cell cultures as the medium. With the recent development of a psyllid cell culture medium, we successfully initiated a primary psyllid cell culture, referred to as BcSB-1, for Bactericera cockerelli Swatsell-Bextine-1. The psyllid cells attached as individual cells to the substrate within 48 hrs being observed as pairs of cells as the cells divided (6 d post explanted), thus forming small clusters. While preliminary results show presence of CLp over several weeks, we are currently evaluating if there is an increase of these bacteria.