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Title: RNAi and emerging psyllid genomes - increasing the number of genetic targets

item Hunter, Wayne
item BEXTINE, B - University Of Texas
item Shatters, Robert
item Hall, David

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/14/2010
Publication Date: 6/16/2010
Citation: Hunter, W.B., Bextine, B.R., Shatters, R.G., Hall, D.G. 2010. RNAi and emerging psyllid genomes - increasing the number of genetic targets [abstract]. National Citrus Research Coordination Symposium. June 16-18, 2010, Denver, Colorado.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Genomics has changed the strategies used to manage insects and diseases. The ability to effect a change in proteins and transcripts through RNA-interference (RNAi) has produced a rush towards the development of the most state-of-the-art pest suppression strategy available. To rapidly advance these efforts, we established the International Psyllid Genome Consortium to bring together researchers interested in psyllid genomics. The first psyllid species being sequenced is the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri, first draft DIACI_v1.0, being led by Wayne Hunter, with Robert Shatters and David Hall, of the USDA, Subtropical Research Insects Unit, Ft. Pierce, FL. The second psyllid species planned for sequencing is the potato psyllid, Bacterocera cockerelli, being led by Dr. Bextine, University of Texas at Tyler, all together forming the main working group with other members involved listed at “The International Psyllid Genome Consortium” working group: psyllidgenomics/Home.html ; data on the Psyllid genome NCBI homepage: The genome from D. citri will act as the reference genome for future sequencing projects, and will provide the transcriptome and a gene list of predicted genes. Sequencing of the D. citri genome is anticipated to be completed by August 2010. With this information the research community will be able to work in full light of specific genes of interest. Combining this with research on RNAi delivery, construction and development, we propose that specific psyllid transcripts can be used to reduce and suppress psyllids within an area-wide program using RNAi strategies.