HEWLETT, T - Pasteuria Bioscience | |
Stetina, Salliana - Sally | |
SCHMIDT, L - Pasteuria Bioscience |
Submitted to: Journal of Nematology
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 7/13/2010 Publication Date: 9/1/2010 Citation: Hewlett, T.E., Stetina, S.R., Schmidt, L.M. 2010. Rate of germination and growth of in vitro produced Pasteuria spp. parasitizing Rotylenchulus reniformis. Journal of Nematology. 42:247-248. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis) from pot culture were attached with in vitro produced Pasteuria spp. spores using a centrifuge attachment technique that resulted in 40-50% of the vermiform nematodes with spores adhering to their cuticles. Attached nematodes were placed into small plastic cups filled with 100 cm3 of an autoclaved mixture of 3 parts sand and 1 part sandy loam soil. Cups, established at two-day intervals for 25 days, were placed in a growth chamber at 28 C with or without a single cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. Deltapine 444 BG RR) plant. At the end of the experiment, ten nematodes with Pasteuria spp. disease symptoms were selected from cups representing each time interval for observation. Nematodes were crushed and observed at 600X for the presence of bacterial cells and sporulating structures. Pasteuria spp. germination occurred rapidly after attachment on day 1 with and without cotton plants. Mycelial structures and thalli were present by day 3 in soil with cotton plants and by day 7 in soil alone. Mature Pasteuria endospores were formed by day 15 in soil with cotton plants and by day 23 in soil alone. The rate of growth of the Pasteuria spp. parasitizing R. reniformis (208 degree days) in soil with cotton plants is much more rapid than the reported growth rate of Pasteuria penetrans in Meloidogyne spp. (408 degree days). Pasteuria spp. were observed to infect and complete their life-cycle in juvenile, male and female reniform nematodes. |