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HERNANDEZ, L. - Natural History Museum - London |
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Henry, Thomas |
Submitted to: Book Chapter
Publication Type: Book / Chapter Publication Acceptance Date: 1/15/2010 Publication Date: 3/15/2010 Citation: Hernandez, L.M., Henry, T.J. 2010. The Plant Bugs, or Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), of Cuba. Book Chapter. 212:2010. Interpretive Summary: Plant bugs represent the largest family of true bugs and include numerous agriculturally important species. Many, such as lygus bugs and the cotton fleahopper, are important pests, causing millions of dollars of damage to crops annually. In contrast, a growing number of other plant bugs are now recognized as predatory and are considered beneficial. This report presents a study of the plant bugs of Cuba, a Caribbean island only 90 miles from the coast of the United States. Of the 105 species of plant bugs occurring in Cuba, only 38 are also known from the United States. In this paper, we provide diagnostic information, host plants, color or black and white adult dorsal photographs, and illustrations of reproductive structures to help identify seven subfamilies, 18 tribes, 57 genera, and 105 species. Of these, 12 are species new to science and 18 represent new records for the island. This information will be useful to state and Federal regulatory agencies interested in documenting and preventing the introduction of invasive species and all agricultural scientists involved in crop protection and biological control of plant-feeding insects. Technical Abstract: The plant bugs, or Miridae (Heteroptera), of Cuba are reviewed. Prior to this study, 55 genera and about 80 species were known from Cuba. Heterocoris cyaneus Knight is synonymized under Heterocoris dilatataus Guérin-Menèville, new synonymy; and Adfalconia bicolor Maldonado, under Falconia semirasa (Distant), new synonymy. The four species Atractotomus rubidus (Uhler), Polymerus basalis (Reuter), Proba sallei (Stål), and Sixeonotus insignis Reuter are excluded from the Cuban list based on examination of Pastor Alayo’s material and the literature. The following new species are described: Pycnoderes similaris, n. sp. (Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini); Fulvius cavernus, n. sp. (Cylapinae: Fulviini); Eustictus soroaensis, n. sp. Deraeocorinae: Surinamellini); Derophthalma guantanamoensis, n. sp.; D. elongata, n. sp. (Mirinae: Mirini); Horcias multilineatus, n. sp. (Mirinae: Mirini); Tropidosteptes cubanus, n. sp.; T. tumidus, n. sp. (Mirinae: Mirini); Prepops candelariensis, n. sp.; Prepops santiagoensis, n. sp. (Mirinae: Restheniini); Neotropicomoris moaensis, n. sp. (Mirinae: Stenodemini); and Pilophorus maldonadoi, n. sp. (Phylinae: Pilophorini). With the description of 12 new species, the removal of four misidentified species, two new synonymies, and new records for two genera and 18 species, 57 genera and 105 species are now known from Cuba. A diagnosis is provided for each genus and species, and information on distribution and host plants is given. Male genitalia are illustrated for most species, and a color or black and white dorsal habitus photograph is provided for all available species. The biogeography of the Cuban and West Indian mirid fauna is discussed. |