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Title: Comparative analysis of transcripts associated to all-stage resistance and adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in wheat

item Coram, Tristan
item HUANG, XUELING - Washington State University
item SETTLES, MATTHEW - Washington State University
item ZHAN, GANGMING - Washington State University
item Brown Guedira, Gina
item Chen, Xianming

Submitted to: National Wheat Genomics Conference
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/23/2008
Publication Date: 12/6/2008
Citation: Coram, T., Huang, X., Settles, M., Zhan, G., Brown Guedira, G.L., Chen, X. 2008. Comparative analysis of transcripts associated to all-stage resistance and adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in wheat. National Wheat Genomics Conference.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a destructive disease of wheat worldwide. Genetic resistance is the preferred method for controlling stripe rust, of which two major types are race-specific and race non-specific resistance. Race-specific resistance includes the qualitatively inherited all-stage resistance, controlled by single major resistance (R) genes. Conversely, adult-plant resistance is race non-specific, inherited quantitatively, and is durable. Previously, we characterized the gene expression signatures involved in Yr5-controlled all-stage resistance and Yr39-controlled adult-plant resistance using the Affymetrix Wheat GeneChip. For this study, we designed and constructed custom oligonucleotide microarrays containing probes for the 116 and 207 transcripts that we had found important for the Yr5 and Yr39 resistance responses, respectively. We used this custom microarray to profile the resistance responses of eight wheat genotypes with all-stage resistance (Yr1, Yr5, Yr7, Yr8, Yr9, Yr10, Yr15, and Yr17) and five genotypes with adult-plant resistance (Yr18, Yr29, Yr36, Yr39, and the adult-plant resistance gene in the Yr8 line). The aim of this analysis was to identify common and unique gene expression signatures involved in the two types of resistance, which were used to infer information regarding the general pathways involved in all-stage resistance and adult-plant resistance.