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Voss, Kenneth |
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Snook, Maurice |
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Riley, Ronald |
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Submitted to: Society of Toxicology
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 12/15/2008 Publication Date: 3/15/2009 Citation: Voss, K.A., Burns, T.D., Snook, M.E., Riley, R.T., Gelineau-Van Waes, J. 2009. Hydrolyzed fumonisin B1 (HFB1) did not induce neural tube defects in LM/Bc mice. Toxicological Sciences 108:156. Interpretive Summary: Abstract - no summary required. Technical Abstract: Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium verticillioides. They are found in corn-based foods and are toxic and carcinogenic to rodents. There is evidence suggesting that consumption of corn tortillas containing fumonisins contributed to an enigmatic cluster of neural tube defects (NTDs) in southern Texas during 1990-91. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) causes NTDs when given intraperitoneally (ip) at doses of > 5 mg/kg (> 7 µmol/kg) body weight to pregnant LM/Bc mice on embryonic days (E) 7-8, the critical window for neural tube closure. To test the teratogenic potential of hydrolyzed fumonisins, which are found in tortillas and other alkaline cooked corn products, pregnant LM/Bc mice were given (ip) 2.5, 5.0, 10 or 20 mg/kg (< 49 µmol/kg) body weight HFB1 on E7-8. Negative and positive control groups were given vehicle or 10 mg/kg (14 µmol/kg) body weight FB1, respectively. NTDs were not found (E16) in the groups given HFB1 and no significant differences were found among negative control and HFB1-exposed litters (n=8-9/group) for the following (mean + S.D.): number of implants (9.9 + 3.9 to 11.8 + 2.0), viable fetuses (8.6 + 3.6 to 10.0 + 2.0), early resorptions (0.9 + 1.0 to 1.7 + 2.0), late deaths (0.3 + 0.5 to 0.7 + 1.0) and average weight of viable fetuses (0.47 + 0.09 to 0.55 ± 0.05 g). NTDs were found in all positive control litters (n=10): the mean number/litter was 4.7 + 2.8, which equaled 66 + 24% of the fetuses. The mean number of implantations/litter (11.4 + 2.1) was similar to the other groups; however, early resorptions (4.6 + 3.0/litter) and fetal deaths (3.0 + 0.9) were increased (p < 0.05) and the number (3.9 + 2.1) and weight (0.33 + 0.7 g) of viable fetuses decreased (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that HFB1 does not cause NTDs in LM/Bc mice at doses up to 7-fold higher (µmol/kg body weight basis) than the reported LOAEL for FB1. |