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Title: Resistance to the soybean rust pathogen (Phakopsora Pachyrhizi) in common bean cultivar CNC

item Pastor Corrales, Marcial
item Frederick, Reid

Submitted to: Bean Improvement Cooperative Annual Report
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/20/2008
Publication Date: 6/20/2008
Citation: Pastor Corrales, M.A., Frederick, R.D. 2008. Resistance to the soybean rust pathogen (Phakopsora Pachyrhizi) in common bean cultivar CNC. Bean Improvement Cooperative Annual Report. 51:20-21.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Soybean rust (SBR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is a new disease in the Americas that has moved swiftly from one country to another. P. pachyrhizi was first reported on soybeans in Paraguay (2001) and soon after in Brazil and Argentina (2002), Bolivia (2003), Uruguay and the USA, (2004), and Mexico (2005). Because P. pachyrhizi is a very aggressive pathogen and all commercial soybean cultivars are susceptible to SBR, severe yield losses in soybeans caused by SBR have been reported in Brazil, Argentina and other countries in South America and Southern Africa. Moreover, the SBR pathogen has a very broad host range of leguminous crops including common bean. SBR has been reported on common beans in South Africa (2005), the USA (2006), and Argentina and Brazil (2007). In a recent publication, 16 common bean cultivars were inoculated with six isolates of SBR from Asia, Africa, and South America (Miles et al., 2007). The common bean cultivar Compuesto Negro Chimaltenengo (CNC) was among the most resistant to all six isolates while Mexico 309 (Mx. 309) was susceptible. Here we report the inheritance of SBR resistance in CNC.