Submitted to: Journal of Entomological Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 2/18/2008 Publication Date: 10/1/2008 Citation: Suh, C.P. 2008. Relative collection efficiency of the Keep-It-Simple-Sampler for cotton fleahoppers (Hemiptera: Miridae) in cotton. Journal of Entomological Science. 43:431-433. Interpretive Summary: Cotton production has changed dramatically during the past decade, requiring reassessment of treatment rules for control of cotton fleahoppers. Successful control of fleahoppers relies on the ability to accurately and efficiently estimate populations in cotton. The standard method for estimating fleahopper populations involves direct counts of adults and nymphs on plants. However, this method typically requires considerable experience to obtain accurate counts. Recent observations suggest a hand-held pneumatic sampling device, Keep-It-Simple-Sampler (KISS), may offer a practical alternative to the standard method for estimating fleahopper populations in cotton. Studies were conducted in 2005 and 2006 to determine the practicability of using the KISS as a tool for sampling cotton fleahoppers in cotton. Results indicate that samples collected with the KISS accurately and precisely reflect field population levels of adult fleahoppers. However, the KISS is not an effective tool for sampling fleahopper nymphs in cotton. Despite this shortcoming, the KISS provides researchers with an effective tool for estimating adult population levels in cotton and may be particularly useful to scientists that are new to cotton fleahopper research. Technical Abstract: Reassessment of treatment thresholds for the cotton fleahopper in cotton has recently been identified as a high research priority by extension and research entomologists in Texas. Currently, the standard method for estimating fleahopper abundance involves direct counts of adults and nymphs on plants. This sampling method, however, is time-consuming and typically requires a considerable level of experience to obtain accurate counts. Studies were conducted in 2005 and 2006 to examine the practicability of using a hand-held pneumatic sampling device, the Keep-It-Simple-Sampler (KISS), as a tool for sampling fleahopper in cotton. Population estimates of adults and nymphs obtained with the KISS were regressed on respective estimates acquired with the standard sampling method to determine the relative collection efficiency of the KISS. Significant relationships between population estimates obtained with the KISS and standard method were observed for both adults and nymphs. Based on the slopes of the regressions, the relative collection efficiency of the KISS was 69% for adults and less than 4% for nymphs. The coefficient of variation (CV) value for adults (31) was substantially smaller than that observed for nymphs (153), indicating that the KISS provided more precise population estimates for adults than nymphs. Based on the collection efficiency and CV values, the KISS provides accurate and precise population estimates of fleahopper adults in cotton, but is not an effective tool for sampling fleahopper nymphs. Despite this shortcoming, the KISS provides researchers and crop consultants with an effective tool for estimating adult population levels in cotton and may be particularly useful to scientists that are new to cotton fleahopper research. |