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Porter, David |
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Seabourn, Bradford |
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Bai, Guihua |
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Dowell, Floyd |
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Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Germplasm Release Publication Acceptance Date: 8/1/2006 Publication Date: 9/8/2006 Citation: Carver, B.F., Hunger, R.M., Klatt, A.R., Edwards, J.T., Worrall, W.D., Porter, D.R., Rayas-Duarte, P., Seabourn, B.W., Bai, G-H., Dowell, F.E., Martin, B.C. 2006. Registration of 'OK Bullet' wheat. Crop Science. 46: 2322-23. Interpretive Summary: ‘OK Bullet’ is a hard red winter wheat cultivar recommended for grain-only and dual-purpose production systems throughout Oklahoma and the southern Great Plains, and dryland and irrigated systems in the southern High Plains. Its name was chosen to acknowledge its exceptional ability to satisfy several targets for end-use quality attributes. OK Bullet a semi-dwarf wheat with a moderately early heading date, and its plant height exceeds most currently grown hard winter wheat cultivars. OK Bullet shows rapid stand establishment with low sensitivity to high temperature during germination. Its erect to semi-erect vegetative growth habit may not be conducive to intensive fall grazing in a dual-purpose (graze-plus-grain) management system. OK Bullet is moderately resistant to Wheat soilborne mosaic and Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, but moderately susceptible to Barley yellow dwarf virus. Based on greenhouse observations, OK Bullet is moderately resistant to tan spot and to septoria leaf blotch, but susceptible to powdery mildew. It is susceptible to some strains of greenbug and to Hessian fly. Milling and baking quality represent exceptional features of OK Bullet. It has large kernel size and weight, as well as high test weight. From multi-location composite grain samples evaluated in two crop seasons (2003 and 2004), OK Bullet had desirably high flour yields and low flour ash content values. Wheat and flour protein contents were both very good. Values for farinograph peak time and stability were 11.2 and 17.2 minutes. Straight-dough baking quality of OK Bullet is considered above-average, with very good bake absorption, intermediate bake mixing time, acceptable loaf volume and very good crumb-grain scores. Technical Abstract: ‘OK Bullet’ is a hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar developed cooperatively by the Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Stn. (AES), USDA-ARS, and the Texas AES and released by the Oklahoma AES and the USDA-ARS in 2005. OK Bullet is recommended for grain-only and dual-purpose production systems throughout Oklahoma and the southern Great Plains, and dryland and irrigated systems in the southern High Plains. Its name was chosen to acknowledge its exceptional ability to satisfy several targets for end-use quality attributes. OK Bullet is an awned, white-chaff, tall, semi-dwarf wheat with early arrival to first-hollow-stem (FHS) stage and moderately early heading date. Flag leaves of OK Bullet at the boot stage are green, recurved, twisted, and non-waxy. Spikes are white-chaffed, awned, oblong, mid-dense, and inclined at harvest-maturity. Kernels are red, hard-textured, ovate, and they have a mid-wide, mid-deep crease, rounded cheeks, and large germ. Heading date is intermediate to Jagger and 2174, and it exceeds most currently grown hard winter wheat cultivars in plant height, which could be associated with its extended peduncle. OK Bullet shows rapid stand establishment with low sensitivity to high temperature during germination. Its erect to semi-erect vegetative growth habit may not be conducive to intensive fall grazing in a dual-purpose (graze-plus-grain) management system. OK Bullet is moderately resistant to Wheat soilborne mosaic and Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, but moderately susceptible to Barley yellow dwarf virus. Based on greenhouse observations, OK Bullet is moderately resistant to tan spot and to septoria leaf blotch, but susceptible to powdery mildew. It is susceptible to biotypes C and E of the greenbug and to Hessian fly. Milling and baking quality represent exceptional features of OK Bullet. In head-to-head comparisons in two of the four years, OK Bullet exceeded Jagger by 48% in large-kernel fraction, 21% in kernel weight, and 14% in kernel diameter. Coupled with its large kernel size is high test weight for OK Bullet. From multi-location composite grain samples evaluated in two crop seasons (2003 and 2004), OK Bullet averaged 700 g kg-1 in flour yield with a flour ash of 3.3 g kg-1. Wheat and flour protein (14 g kg-1 moisture basis) averaged 126 g kg-1 and 114 g kg-1, respectively. Values for farinograph peak time and stability were 11.2 and 17.2 minutes. Straight-dough baking quality of OK Bullet is considered above-average, with 624 g kg-1 bake absorption, 5.3 min bake mixing time, 870 cc loaf volume and 4.4 for crumb-grain score on a 0 (poor)-to-6 (outstanding) scale. High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits which are present in OK Bullet at the Glu-A1, Glu-B1, and Glu-D1 loci are, respectively, 1, 17+18, and 5+10. |